[@Mokley] liked this, and said I should post it in OOC. So I have this image in my head, of an endless green plain. The sky is a deep, brilliant blue with shining white clouds flowing across it, casting mile-wide shadows on the land below. The plain extends for countless miles in all directions, to the horizon, and in the middle, a single massive tower. It's a hundred times taller than it is wide. But it's not a tower, so much as an enormous tube. And at the bottom, a huge bustling metropolis, a marvel of science and magical technology. Mirrors on the inside of the walls reflect sunlight down below, else it would have minutes of daylight at a time, if at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L43_sGZ37_4 Roll intro credits. Slow pan across a marketplace, or a busy intersection. A skyscraper-sized screen flashes into life and the queen smiles and waves to her people. Camera low, angled upward as white birds flutter past and up along the wall. Cut to the parapet of the Wall. The view pans left to right, cutting to a visitor's overlook, past Gabriel leaning against a column, Maria offering Elliana some candy, Reina filming birds, Vincent and Katrina milling about, Moth running in and out of frame. The view cuts again and contiues panning, past Dazz and Davis overseeing construction, Florence and Emmitt laughing at a shared joke, Liam handling a massive rivet gun as Old Otto shakes his head dismissively. Ethan strolls past, whistling nonchalantly. Rapid cut, at a low, sharp angle, as groups of two or three of the named characters all look up in shock, some on the edge of joy, some the verge of terror. Cut to a distant view of the city from the plains. Shadows descend upon the wall. Brilliant white flares across the view as the title coalesces in a curving, art deco script. MOONFIEND.