Morning had finally come. The sun peaked up from the horizon, shining a light on the small, slumbering town of Medburn. Beads of dew flaked the lush green grass, giving it a sparkling affect. The cobblestone streets were deserted, except for the occasional leaf, or piece of trash that floated along in the brisk morning breeze that made the trees sway in a way that they were dancing. In the morning, the town was truly at its peak, it's magnificence and beauty as radiant as the shining sun, that slowly swept over the town, fully illuminating it. To most Pokemon, this was a wake up call. Many shop owners were already up, putting up 'OPEN' signs on their windows, and opening there doors, letting the crisp air flow into their shops. People were now scattered about the town, doing early morning shopping, or just getting outside. The rest of the town was now waking up, but there was one Pokemon that was falling asleep. Devin was dozin off, mumbling words that he somehow memorized from the book that his head was placed on. His doze was interrupted by the sound of wood beams falling. The construction site next to the library was a mess; the most shady Pokemon worked there, an accident was always happening, and what really freaked Devin out, was that they had started working on the building the day after he arrived, and a few times he had seen one peeking through the library window at him. Whoever they were, he didn't like them, and from the looks of it, the didn't like him either, or anybody for that matter. Their faces were plastered with an evil grin, and a scowl to go with it. They gave off the smell of rotten milk, and always grunted whenever someone walked by them, always scaring little children, and making Devin flinch. Even though they knew they were terrorizing people a little, they had a smug demeanor, and seemed not to care. Devin tried to steer away from them if he could, but one way or another, they found him. One time, he heard heavy, deep breathing, and the rustling of books on a shelf, and swore he saw something move. Whatever they wanted, he knew it couldn't be good. From then on he tried not to sleep in the library, but this novel engaged him to much, and he slept through it. He dozed of again, but was awoken by someone's arm grazing his shoulder. He awoke with a jump, and immediately turned around, smacking the culprit in the face. The victim of Daniel's fear, turned out to be the librarian, who kicked him out of the library for that day. He had no books, and nothing to do but wander around town, watching his back for the construction Pokemon. Devin was still adjusting, but he managed to make friends with a Vanillish at an ice cream parlor. As he walked in, he thought a very weird thought. [i]Strange... A Vanillish works at a place, were he basically... Sells his kind for others to eat. I should really reconsider my friendships. I should also stay clear of eating sunflower seeds around that Sunflora, might tick her off a bit.[/i] [color=6ecff6]"Hey Dexter. Have a seat... A Sundae supreme, on the house. What's up... You looked worried."[/color] He slid the glass filled with ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and a cherry on top to Devin, who barely caught it. [i]Dexter? Close enough I guess.[/i] He never really thought about it till now, but he felt uneasy eating the Sundae in front of the other ice cream who served it to him. [color=8882be]"It's nothing... Just... The new construction Pokemon, they kinda, try to look at me. I think one of them was watching me at night. Do you think it's because I'm... Well, you know..."[/color] Devin swore he saw a look of surprise in the bartender's fsce, but it must have been the light, as his fsce was nothing but genuine understanding. [color=6ecff6]"They are kind of suspicious, and well, they did come here the day after me and the others found you, so, it is kinda weird. Anyways, I've been open for a few hours, gonna take my break, but enjoy your Sundae. See ya."[/color] Devin looked rather let down, as that's all the bartender had to say. Devin sat there and finished his ice cream, then left the parlor. [hr] "He has... Suspicions about you... But doesn't know yet. I don't think any of the other Stargaters know, but he's seen you. You guys have to be more careful next time." The two others in the dark alley nodded, and dispersed in different directions, leaving the one that talked by himself. A cold shill swept over the alleyway, as well as the smell of ice cream.