Revenants humming would have been a relaxing sound was Edward not speeding out as fast as he could, having already been far too late for the skirmish that was unfolded on the cradle grounds. Presently cursing having had chosen to take off from samigna rather than stay on standby in case of just a situation like this. The battlefield fell silent only for a moment, gunfire ceased, only left with the silence in the moment. But why was the only question on his mind and as if to directly answer his unheard question Richard's voice came through "Panthers? Do you copy?" Edward shifted his full attention to Richard. "The intruders only went after the R&D wing. But we've heard nothing from that section of the building. I'm afraid we've lost this one." at this, Edward could not contain himself and slammed his fist to the side of the cockpit frustrated that he had not made it in time. "Be careful. Get everyone to regroup at Cradle. The Sodroyan Military just entered the district. We'll figure out where to go from here." As prompted he took the fastest route to the Cradle only accompanied by the humming of his FRAME. That was until Sarah's voice came through, as if penetrating the whole atmosphere it struck him somewhere deep. "Sorr..y Miss, Richard..I don't think...that was the case...". Even the humming of his machine fell silent in his ears as he heard a fellow panther hurt, shot down, in pain. He could only feel that if only he had made it in time this could all have been averted. He gave no sound for his agony, no voice calling out as he made his way where sarah was. He only made it there to see her being loaded in by the medical crew. "If only..." was all he could say. Just under a month later: Edward was taking it back in his FRAME having made it comfortable enough that he spent better part of his time there may it be due to him adding his personal touch where it counts or a remain of guilt he took over from not being able to help Sarah. Aside from that he was waiting to get that new audio playback device so he could listen to some tunes while out and about or just for kicking back and relaxing. He was looking into finding some sort of portable transport of sorts to cut emergency response time when it matters would another call to arms come when he was out and about on the town again but he hadn't found a suitable candidate. Having grown bored of sitting he was starting to head the section where his injured comrade was located. "Can't hurt to poke there for a visit, at least as much as it did her..." He muttered taking his time walking.