[center][b]Pyria [/b] [i]Child of the Flame[/i] [b]Location:Actium[/b][/center] Pyria's tantrum stopped quickly, as she was completely caught off guard by Luca's actions. She was then put on a horse, and given even a ride. "YAAAY, you're a great servant. Horsie ride, go!" She childishly snapped as she flailed her arms, full with joy. She tensed somewhat when a new opponent appeared, her gaze narrowing and fixating on the newcomer. Tripping on Luca, huh? [i]As If.[/i] Her eyes wandered examinating the woman. Well, she did look quite lovely. [i]A perfect prey.[/i] A dark voice whispered in the corner of Pyria's mind, but she managed to shrug it off. She still didn't manage to hide her hostility. "Big boobies won't steal Luca. He's mine, understand! He's my servant!" Pyria said, with zero tact and compuction. "But if -you- are interested, I need a chambermaid." [hr] [center][b]Tsabal [/b] [i]The Dark Whisperer[/i] [b]Location:Campus Magnus[/b][/center] Tsabal's head tilted upon the negation of the offer. [i]She might be one of us, after all?[/i]. Her mind raced, and was about to reply, when the other woman continued with her tirade. It made her eyes narrow. [i]Suffer from the men's mistakes? Now that's surfacer crap. We normally execute the rambuctious males.[/i] She was about to leave, when the revelation of the stranger's face, or the Lady of Shame, as she regarded herself struck her. [u]A mutt.[/u] Thinly smiling in the corners of her mind, she crouched before the resting, and seemingly relaxed she crouched before her. "Highly amusing." She said, as she took a hand and revealed her visage only to her. Lilac eyes met with Ella's eyes, as if piercing through her. "A child of hatred. The elves shame you. My kin would likely kill you. I would probably kill you. And yet you're here, making an offer, and trying to curb my favour. At least you got spine, and won't crumble under the odds easily." She smiled. "By all means, I should decline your offer. Yet I won't. You're special. The kind of rarity one sees in a fleeting antlion fly. Something that exists briefly only to disappear on the next moment." She chuckled slightly. She gave the other woman a light tap in the shoulder, as she covered herself up once more. "Chin up, lovely. The show's about to start." She added as she turned her again masked visage sideways. [i]I need not to tell her why I will help her. People don't react well when they are told they can become destroyers full of hate and resent, or worthy sacrifices.[/i] "More fools to join the circus, I see." She said out loud, addressing the oncoming strangers. "I suppose you don't want a divination or a love potion, don't you?"