[@The ghost in black] Haru smiled as the person said that it was alright. In all actuality, he had his suspicions that she might be a ghoul but he wouldn't act on suspicions... or even if he knew it was a ghoul. They would only kill when ordered to kill. The only exception is when they are attacked and they're in a life or death situation. [color=0076a3]"If you'd like, you can eat too. We won't mind."[/color] He said with a smile as he placed his backpack on the ground and sitting down, setting the cloth-like sheathe, acting as a cover for his sniper rifle, beside him. Haruna followed quickly, putting her bow down beside her as well, but this weapon was in plain sight. However, there were no arrows with her. The male twin placed two bento boxes in front of them and then opened it, revealing some sort of meaty substance on top of white rice. The other one held what she assumed to be a salad with indistinguishable products in it. Her eyes widened at the sight. This was not what she expected... although she was suspecting that her brother had something up his sleeve. [color=0076a3]"Now, pick one to eat Hana! One is really delicious and I assure you will like it, and the other one is something you really wouldn't want."[/color] Haru said, using the girl's nickname, and then laughing. Haruna looked back and forth between the two bentos, knowing that her brother was serious. She looked a little helpless while her brother either smirked or laughed at her distressed look. She then picked up the salad and then took a bite of it... and she turned green. She forcibly swallowed her food, not wanting to seem like a slob, before coughing and then desperately searching her satchel for any drinks she has. All the while, Haru was just laughing with his hands around his stomach and he was threatening to fall over. [color=0076a3]"Comedy gold!"[/color] [color=ec008c]"B-Brother! You're an idiot!"[/color] Haruna yelled as she lunged for his backpack, opening it and then drinking his favorite juice in an attempt to at least faze him. He didn't react to it at all. [color=ec008c]"Grade A idiot!"[/color] She yelled once again as she stopped drinking, a blush across her face in the presence of his laughing.