[center][h3][color=fff79a]Liliana Stormshadow - The Fallen Star[/color][/h3] Location: Campus Magnus[/center] [color=fff79a]"Do they scare you, oh Hero of the East?"[/color] Liliana teased, examining the pair in the shade of the tree. She could sense their auras now, and would be lying if she said that she felt no anxiety. These two were each strong in their own right, but the High Elf's air of confidence held as she moved toward them. Both wore cloaks and cowls to obscure their figures and faces, which was disconcerting, but would not deter her. One of them addressed her and the mage as she began to approach, giving her reason to pause a moment and consider her own words. [color=fff79a]"If I sought either, I'm sure the man behind me could easily provide. No, we seek not your magic for something so simple. A certain young boy passed us earlier, spouting something about heroes gathering to assault the Dark Tower and claim the prize in return for the wraith's death. And so here we are, led by that same boy to you now. My name is Liliana, the man is Gripus, and it appears we all seek the same end. We bring blade and magic to bear, respectively, and wish to know if you would travel with us in this quest. I care not for a share of the reward, and four would survive longer than two on the haunting road we must walk."[/color] Liliana held herself proudly as she spoke, hands once more resting on her sword's hilt and her belt. It was a common and relaxed posture for her, but one that would allow her to react easily should things turn sour. While it was doubtful any present would dare harm another within the bounds of Campus Magnus, she was wary of these strangers. Something about them just seemed... off.