[h2][center][i][color=a187be]~Sarai~[/color][/i][/center][/h2] [sub][center][b]Location:[/b] [i]Actium[/i][/center][/sub] Sarai paused. Big . . . what? The girl looked down at her chest, a bit self-conscious. While it was true that she had a . . . sizable bust in comparison to others, this was the first time it had been pointed out to her so straightforwardly. Her face flushed in embarrassment as she stared incredulously at the little girl on the horse. She was a bit haughty to be a slave, so Sarai guessed she was probably a beggar. Then she registered what else the girl had said. She had said that the noble looking [i]man[/i] - the girl had said [i]he[/i] - was [i]her[/i] servant, and that she needed a chambermaid, and now nothing made sense to her. [color=a187be]"I, uh, huh?"[/color] she muttered, confused and at a loss at how to respond to the girl. Shaking her head, she directed her attention to her companion instead, hoping to find some semblance of sense with him, and caught him staring at her chest. She bit back a shriek and took a few steps back as he stammered out his next words. She was [i]sure[/i] that it was no trouble, what with what he got in turn! [color=a187be]"Y-yes, it's nice to meet you, Luca,"[/color] she forced out, not quite sure if it [i]was[/i] nice to meet him. Her curiosity was inwardly peeked as he mentioned his being a 'Servant of the Raven Queen'; that was not a name she heard too often. In fact, it was a name that she was familiar with only because of her interest in all matters of death. [color=a187be]"I am Sarai, a humble healer of the Light of Man Monkhood."[/color] Not sure of what to do next, she locked eyes with Luca, and froze. Her breath was shallow and her eyes went blank. As if in a trance her hands reached out to cup Luca's face. Her eyes wide and hypnotized, she kept staring at him in silence for what seemed like an eternity, before dropping her hands and smiling contentedly. [color=a187be]"You've an air of [i]death[/i] about you. It's rather pleasant."[/color] She whispered softly. Very softly. Her demeanor quickly settled back to normal. [color=a187be]"So, Luca, Pyria, Snow,"[/color] she said, nodding to each of them, [color=a187be]"what is it that brings you all here? You don't seem like the normal traveler."[/color] [hr] [center][h2][i][color=black]| Thorn |[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [sub][center][b]Location:[/b] [i]Iron Forest[/i][/center][/sub] Silence fell across the forest and stretched on for a minute as Thorn regarded the Revenant before him. It seems that he was not lent to the persuasion of arrogance, as so many of them had after their resurrection, but he did have the inclination to dominate. One out of two curses was not so bad, he supposed. Better one than to have both anyway. Still, the way he spoke and the way he acted, he was a warrior. Thorn dismounted his horse, and left his sword at its side. He was surprised to find that he was taller than he was, even if it was by a small margin. Not many people - living or dead - were. [color=black]"I assure you, I plan nothing towards you,"[/color] there was an unspoken 'yet'; there always was, [color=black]"merely wondering. In any case, I suppose the polite thing to do would be to introduce myself. I am Thorn, and I am beholden to none of the groups that dominate the Dead Lands."[/color] Thorn's voice was respectful, but also hollow, simply going through the motions of being polite, and not truly feeling it. In fact, it was the tone he held since the very moment he spoke. [color=black]"I've come here to avoid the stirrings among the other undead that roam them. Have you any idea of the cause behind it?"[/color]