Smiling slightly as Aryx begins to respond, moving back a little, a shot of liquid fire races through his system at the sound that cuts off the end of the man's sentence. He swallows hard, his body reacting readily to the sound, but his mind screaming that he needs to get ahold of himself. Impulsively, his tail flexes again and he whimpers slightly, feeling absolutely no control over it at the moment. [i]'I've got to pull myself out, I can't stay this close. My body, I can feel, and it's too warm, and. . .'[/i] Aryx speaks again, the uncertainty in his voice forcing the beast man to swallow a whimper before trying and failing to reply with a steady voice. “Um, hey, looks like we got a little tangled up huh? I hope it didn't wake you up or anything. We should, um, y'know.” A shot of fear runs through him as his tail wraps a little tighter around it's prize, sliding against Aryx's smooth skin, unwilling to let go willingly. [i]'Oh, this could not [b]get[/b] any worse. . .'[/i] He lament silently, his heart now racing to match the “tickle” rushing around under his [b]own[/b] skin.