The deep voiced sailor abruptly woke Vayen from her restless dozing. The journey so far had not been kind to her, eight nauseating days in hell. She hated the ocean and from the first hour onboard the constant rock and sway of the poorly renovated ship made her spill the contents of her gut from over the side and during course of the week not much had improved, the ginger tea she brewed helped slightly but really the only thing she could do was endure it and hope for quick passage. Slowly she uncurled in her bunk stretching her stiff muscles that were not used to the confinement of such a room it had made her quite cantankerous during the journey, between that and the sea sickness she barely spoke to her travelling companions aside from Reynald which she managed to banter a few friendly insults over the duration. Vayen wearily smoothed a few sticky strays of hair from her face as she sat up setting her bare feet upon the rough timber deck while Reinham prattled on about arriving in Aldergard. She had mixed impressions of Reinham his severe demeanour obviously served him well living up to the notorious witch hunter reputation but she couldn't help feeling there was more to him than what he allowed anyone to see. [b][i]"We'll be arriving in Aldergard soon. Nobody knows for certain what we will find, but if there's one piece of advice I can give you it's this.... Don't let your guard down, not even for a moment. This island was lost - when we last set foot here even a thousand Witch Hunters could not have saved it. To have risen against those odds is impossible: something powerful and unnatural is behind this, I'm certain"[/i][/b] When Reinham glared at Vayen in turn she returned in same, she was eager to finally be given the chance to prove her worth and under the wing of the renowned Arrion Reinam. When they first got word they would be leaving on this particular journey Reynald enthusiastically retold her of Reinham's exploits over the years and his own brief training encounter with the hunter. A man who lived such a distinguished life within the order would be well worth learning from. Inhaling a deep breath to settle her gut Vayen rose from her bunk, Syrrissia off to her right was scrutinising her bow again. Back at the Hold the few times they crossed paths Vayen always thought that girl could do with a good feed, so slim she had wondered where she gathered the strength to draw her bowstring but somehow she managed and managed well watching her draw her a few times, always hitting her mark. On the opposite side near where one of the youngest of the group invested in a game of cards she watched Reynald against the wall of the ship cracking his knuckles, a habit he unconsciously performed when lost in his own thoughts. Lacking enthusiasm she shuffled her way over to him acknowledging the card players with a less then impressed smile from the corner of her mouth. With her back to the same wall as Reynald she slid down next to him folding her legs beneath her [color=0072bc]"Thank the stars because If we have to spend another day on this stench filled god-forsaken vessel someone was going to cop a beating"[/color] she whispered into his hooded ear.