The second time the tail moves Autharyx is not caught of guard and all it does is send a little shiver up his spine. He feels... heated up in a way he hasn't before, not even under the midday sun and it's intriguing to say the least. He feels like there's something he's missing, but it's not something bad and he wants to... wants to... He's not sure actually, but it involves staying in bed and seeing where this strange new thing leads and that isn't an option. Because Viltez is looking quite miserable with the whole situation, body tensing up as he stammers through his words with a strained-sounding voice. Autharyx might be curious, but he won't make his host uncomfortable to satisfy his silly whims. "It didn't, I woke up on my own," he said with a smile, injecting some calm into his voice in an attempt to make Viltez more comfortable. The tail around his leg had felt nice, but it is a bit of a bother now that they are trying to move apart. It wraps tighter and Viltez' expression drops even further. Autharyx only hesitates for a moment. Touching the tail in the past had not always gone well, but it had at least gotten a reaction out of the appendage and it is the only thing he can think off to do. Other than waiting, of course, but thus far that had only led to the miserable look on Viltez' face and he doesn't want any more of that. So he reaches down a bit to run his fingers through the fur of the tail where it starts coiling around his leg. He pets it lightly before threading his fingers into the fur and scratching it a bit, offering his arm in an attempt to get it to wrap around that instead.