[Color=f5deb3]"We'll be docking in a small coastal village called Osen, on the islands southwest shore."[/color] Reinham explained in his bad tempered tone. It wasn't something that he was personally comfortable with, but the significant lack of information was just something they would have to deal with. [Color=f5deb3]"Aldergard was once known for its microclimates - the terrain and weather can shift far more quickly than anywhere else. Osen closely resembles our homeland if the old records still hold true - it should be temperate and abundant with forests and plant life. An excellent place for you to acclimatise and begin your investigation."[/color] He paused as if contemplating whether to elaborate further, but instead sbook his head. It was no use - what little he knew was from centuries old records and could very likely be incorrect. Misinformation would be downright dangerous in their current situation after all. [Color=f5deb3]"We have no idea what state the island is even in. It would be dangerous to presume anything - even something as trivial as the weather. Regardless, our information suggests that Osen still stands and is inhabited, so it's as good a place as any."[/color] [hr] The ship lurched suddenly to the starboard side as the change in current heralded their entry to shallower, coastal waters, causing a few voices from above deck to call our with surprise or alarm for a moment before the return of the familliar sound of sailors laughter and jeering suggested that somebody had merely been taken by surprise by the shift in current.