Aundair looked up as he heard Reinham announce the destination. The name itself meant little to him, but all new information was welcome when entering an unknown area. He was in the middle of sitting up when the lurch hit the ship and he had to fight not to flop off of his chair onto the ground. Pushing himself from his seat, he was seized by wanting to see this new land. He adjusted his gear and made his way towards the ladder to the deck. As he passed Reynald he clapped him on his back "Ready for this mission? Because I sure as hell need to get off this boat and stretch my legs." he waited a moment to hear Reynald's reply and then turned to bound up the ladder, his greatcoat swinging slightly back and forth as he climbed. The hatch rose quietly and Aundair raised his hand to shade his eyes from the suddenly bright light. "Wow... odd, that's not quite what I expected." he laughed to himself at the childish notion of eagles and dragons flying over his head. Looking to his left he saw the deckhand that he had beaten earlier talking to several of his friends. He raised his hand in greeting and continued onto the fore deck to see out to the coming land. He could feel the wind blowing through his dark blonde hair and smiled at the smell of wood and earth. It had been a little too long from the land for his taste and he was ready to feel something solid underneath his feet. He watched the approaching land quietly as he waited for the ship to finally arrive.