[center][b]Pyria [/b] [i]Child of the Flame[/i] [b]Location:Actium[/b][/center] Pyria eyed the scene with surprise and a growing contempt, before folding her arms and visiblely pouting her lips. Upon the prompt of the newcomer lady, who she was already hating her guts. "I was entrusted as familiar to an elite mage, but he's dead. And now Luca freed me. I'm my own master now, hehee." Pyria smirked. "So I've decided to make Luca my first thrall in return!" She paused before leaning towards Sarai. "Also get your own damn thrall, big boobed lady who keeps putting blank faces and whispering on Luca's ear." [hr] [center][b]Tsabal [/b] [i]The Dark Whisperer[/i] [b]Location:Campus Magnus[/b][/center] "huh. A calling boy." Tsabal looked at El thoughtfully. [i]Risky maneuver, count yourself lucky, mutt.[/i] She thought to herself as she folded her arms, eyeing up and down the newcomer. High elf. So beatiful, elegante. She wanted to strap her to a table, and carve her pure heart out, while she took slices of her tender flesh, one by one... Yes, a victim to daydream for. Making a titanic effort to hide her contempt for the race that once cast her folk to the ever reaching darkness of the underworld, she tilted her head, in her all condescending nature. "I'll take that as a no to my potions offer." She plainly said. "Bring down the evil, we all are powerful, yadda yadda" She elaborated soon afterwards. "You do assume too much, [i]High Elf[/i]" "For all you know, I could be two evil midgets in a suit, who eat babies and can fart demons and hellfire. Oh, and traded a baby for money." She blurted, deadpan. "Still, the fact you can sense something's off with me being just a crone... well maybe that keen sense of yours can serve you out there. Frankly speaking, you might be the..." she interrupted herself momentarily, sighing."...the strongest this camp of scum has to offer." She then began to advance towards the two. "I might aswell hop in this time, rather than keep waiting for a better chance at the camp. Count me, Bal the crone. I can heal. I can also figure out the pointy end of a sword and where it belongs aswell. So that's both magic and blade. [i]In a single package[/i]." She finished.