I just woke up, and made it all the way to the library without flying thanks to the fact that my wings felt a little numb for a bit, and one of the first things I noticed was a clefable throwing a strange pokemon, probably a dragon type judging from the fact that he looked reptilian, out of the place. [i]I wonder what he did in there to tick off such a usually calm normal type like clefable... maybe he just screamed too much, their ears are really sensitive.[/i] I thought as I headed inside, making sure to not accidentally bump into him as I do so. Once inside, I noticed just how big this place really was. I had no idea where to start looking for the information on new pokemon such as, well, myself I guess, but thankfully, the librarian was kind enough to help me out by asking "Is there anything I can help you out with?" I replied "Sure, um... I'm going to need a book on pokemon. One that has every pokemon species currently known about," the librarian blinked twice as if to say 'seriously?' but tried to explain as best as she could that "We don't have that kind of book. Well, okay, we do, but it's separated into smaller books by type. Is that okay?" I nodded, and the librarian led me all the way to the encyclopedias, where almost no other pokemon roamed at the time. I picked up, and read several of them, just skimming through to see the ones that I've missed, and what types they were. Through this, and from what seemed like hours to me, I figured out that I'm apparently a flying/dragon type pokemon called a 'Noibat', I also figured out that yes, that pokemon bring thrown out of the library WAS in fact, a dragon type. A pure dragon type known as an 'Axew', and they typically evolved into something called a 'Haxorus', which I thought looked pretty cool. I put away the dark blue-colored book, and read through a couple more, a black pokemon book with every dark type pokemon in there, and a grey one with every steel type pokemon. That's when I saw the at first, innocent looking pink book. It had insect wings decorating the front of it, much like the yellow-green bug book did, but the title is what ended up making me scream. 'Book on pokemon Vol. 18 - Fairy types'... [i]Fairy types...? There are FAIRY pokemon now? Maybe... maybe they're actually weak to dragon moves. Last I checked dragon was only super-effective against itself.[/i] I thought as I turned to the type matchups that this 'fairy' type had. Weak to steel and poison but immune to... DRAGON!? Not only that, but apparently their attacks are super-effective against dragon types. This was just about when I started screaming, well, that and throwing the book down on the ground as if it was going to attack me... and flying away from it, probably disturbing several pokemon's reading time as I did so. Just as well, the librarian caught up to me, and shushed me... I tried to keep my quiet, and eventually calmed down saying "Well, y...you might look like a fairy, b-but... at least I know you're a normal type... heh... I remember you from all those years ago..." that's when the librarian replied with "Huh? A normal type? No, no, you've got me all mixed up for some reason. I'm a fairy type," I then started screaming and flying away in panic again, which had the librarian end up physically throwing me out of the building, that is, after she caught up to me. I tried my best to cover my mouth with my wing as I tried to calm myself back down, and after that was done, I headed as far away from the library as I could. Eventually, I made it to the ice cream parlor, where a vanillish could be seen serving that same axew a sundae. [i]Why in the world is a living ice cream cone serving ice cream?[/i] I thought to myself as I carefully approached the potentially dangerous ice type. Granted, I was less afraid of this vanillish than I was of a fairy type, but that doesn't mean I was exactly calm around something that could knock me out from one ice beam... or worse. I started to order, but then remembered that typically, food costed money, and money was something I didn't have right now, at least, not in this world. "Well? What do you want?" the vanillish asked me, impatiently. I ended up answering "Nothing, I guess. I just remembered I don't have any money... sorry for wasting your time," I then wondered whether I should just get up right now, and leave, or stay here probably wasting more time for the cold-loving ice cream vendor if some other customer wanted to sit where I was sitting... I suppose they could just sit elsewhere, as the place wasn't exactly packed right now. I then remembered that librarian chasing me, and eventually capturing me... and shivered at the thought of that. [i]She had me right in her hands... she could have easily killed me right there, and I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it... I... really need to stay away from those fairy types... they'll be the end of me, I just know it.[/i] I thought as the vanillish moved on to other customers, most likely, those who had money and were more than willing to spend it there.