[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tYmhI4A.png[/img] [h3][color=9e0b0f]Noriko Honma[/color][/h3][i][color=ed1c24]At the Harvest Festival, Confederate[/color][/i] [@Lost in my Mind][/center][hr]Noriko was looking at the still crumbling compound. She barely acknowledged the new shinobi who filled them in on the situation. Every thought was to run to Umary's aid. Instead she forced herself to look back at the other ninja, Masato. She inclined her head at him. "If you will be fine here, I'll be taking my leave." As she lept into the air she realized she hadn't given him her name like he had asked. She skidded to a halt and turned back around. "[color=ed1c24]Honma, Noriko.[/color]" She said brushing some of her red hair out of her face. "[color=ed1c24]Remember it.[/color]" With that she was off running again. As she ran she watched a few Red Sages flee in the distance, but since no one else was pursing, she didn't. When she reached the compound there was quite a few shinobi milling about. Either hauling debris or helping with the wounded. Noriko shoved past them looking for her sister. Praying that Umary wasn't part of the dead. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KbzyfET.png[/img] [h3][color=ec008c]Umary Honma[/color][/h3][i][color=f49ac2]Inside the Compound, Confederate[/color][/i][/center][hr]As soon as the shaking stopped Umary was on her feet. She grabbed the nearest dignitary and tossed him boldly out of the room. From behind her she could hear a woman order her captured or killed. Screw that. Umary thought and quickly followed the dignitary. She hauled the man to his feet and shoved him down a corridor and then behind a fallen piece of wall. There she practically jumped on top on him and prayed no one would look too hard for them. Their breathing seemed so loud to their ears, but no one came after him. After a few minutes Umary climbed off the man and looked around. "[color=f49ac2]They're gone.[/color]" The man swallowed and followed Umary out of the building. She brushed a bit of building dust off her uniform as she left the devastated building. Her hand grabbed another of her needled when she was pulled into a full body hug. Only the red hair stopped her. "[color=f49ac2]Nori.[/color]" Umary gasped out. "[color=f49ac2]Can't breathe.[/color]" The medic complained. Noriko murmured an apology and let her younger sister go. Umary looked over her sister. She was pristine. There wasn't even a hair out of place. "[color=f49ac2]Miss all the fun?[/color]" Umary asked in a shaking voice; trying to keep the horror from creeping in. "[color=ed1c24]Na, scared off a few of the sages before heading over here. Have you heard?[/color]" Noriko continued to study her sister. "[color=f49ac2]Heard what?[/color]" Umary's mouth went dry. Was is Chieko? Was she really with these murderers? "[color=ed1c24]They killed the commander.[/color]" Noriko was never one for mincing words. Umary shook her head, party relieved about Chieko. But it was still bad news. "[color=f49ac2]Chieko?[/color]" She managed after a few moments. Noriko shook her head and the middle child exhaled. Loudly. "[color=ed1c24]She's smart.[/color]" Noriko said. "[color=ed1c24]She'll be fine. Though not once I'm done with her.[/color]" The fiery older sister smirked. "[color=ed1c24]Anyways, I gotta go.[/color]" She hugged her sister once more before vanishing. Umary looked over the destruction before walking over to the nearest injured person and began treating them. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NwNRGU5.png[/img] [h3][color=0072bc]Cheiko Honma[/color][/h3][i][color=7ea7d8]Retreating, Red Sage[/color][/i] [@Savato][/center][hr]Chieko's hear nearly leapt out of her chest as a light shinned in her eyes. Her hand crackled with lightning and she was that close to blasting Arima, as she twisted and stared at the shadow cloaked figure. "[color=7ea7d8]Did you want to die?[/color]" She hissed back, louder than her rival. Before ducking her head around the corner. Noriko was talking to two other shinobi. She pulled her head back and nodded. Her two remaining clones vanished with nary a whisper. She looked into his wild eyes and around once more. Noriko was now talking to another shinobi. She licked her lips. "[color=7ea7d8]Alright. I'm going.[/color]" She slunk through the alley until she felt safe enough to be a little more exposed as she retreated. She didn't want to get caught anymore than he did.