Lyriia was entirely content to fly in silence, her tiredness and nervousness making her, for once, not ask questions as her usual self would. She much appreciated that Ahmal was guiding her by the hand, as she was still having difficulty seeing in the dark. As they flew she glanced over at Ahmal multiple times, and more often than not wound up blushing and looking away as the male fairy’s bright gold eyes flicked over towards her. He seemed oddly… serious for a young fairy, and he couldn’t have been much older than her, maybe three years at the most. But it was quite refreshing, to meet another young one who wasn’t just interested in drinking firefly blood (or whatever that glowing alcoholic drink was… Lii really couldn’t remember) and setting bushes to trembling. Again, not anything that had ever interested Lii in the slightest; she had her job and her family to watch out for. And too often she’d had to heal some young fairy who’d gotten hopelessly drunk and confused and flown into a tree or something. She was startled out of her nostalgia by a quiet rustle in the bushes and Ahmal’s hissed warning to get back. She hovered nervously as Ahmal drew his bow and fired; in the dark she couldn’t see the spider until it was on top of the fairy warrior. For a split second, the girl didn’t know what to do. Then she drew her dagger and dropped onto the back of the enormous bug, hacking and stabbing at it. There was no grace to her actions; she was just trying to get the bug off of Ahmal. The creature hissed as she hacked at its legs, severing one, then two. Blueish black blood sprayed everywhere from the stumps, soaking through Lyriia’s clothes. Her dagger wasn’t long enough to give a killing stroke, it seemed, though she kept trying, stabbing it’s back and sides. She didn’t want to go for its head because she knew that if she nicked one of the venom sacs it would spill all over Ahmal...Not something she wanted to do. The spider finally decided to quit trying to eat Ahmal and avenge the loss of its legs, it seemed, as it reared up on its back legs, flailing the remaining front limbs, as though trying to shake Lyriia off. She wound up clutching at the thick hair on its back to stay on, gagging as blood sprayed into her face from one of the stabs. But then the spider kept tipping over, past the vertical, and Lyriia had to jump into the air to avoid being squished. The spider’s legs twitched once, and then the creature went still. Lyriia hovered over it for a second, quite wary, then dove down and cut a long gouge down the spider’s abdomen, to make sure that it was dead. She shot back up into the air, still clearly scared of the spider’s corpse, and hovered for a moment, confused, then remembered Ahmal. She rushed back to the other fairy. [color=7bcdc8]“Are you alright?”[/color] she asked. She tried to figure out if Ahmal was bleeding anywhere but there was so much spider blood all over everything that she couldn’t tell one way or another.