[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FohmS05.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Gripus Probus[/b][/center] [center][i]Hero of the East, Bane of Morven[/i][/center] [center][b]Location: Campus Magnus[/b][/center] Gripus watched the interaction with interest, using the exchange to focus on the cloaked woman. That her garments seemed to be fighting impossibly hard to hide her flesh from the sun was a clue as to her being right off the bat, but that her tongue rolled so mockingly over [i]High Elf[/i] concluded his suspicions. "Enough of your goading, earth worm. Time and circumstances are such that we can not dally, trading insults and beating our chests - you may be afflicted with some illness of the ego, but I can see you are no mere crone. I have reason to believe that Magnor Dragonblade has returned, and if I am right, then these wasted words are each another nail in our coffins... if we ever have the privilege, of course," he spoke plainly, keeping his tone neutral. "Your friend is right," he continued, motioning to the Drow's apparent companion. "I am Gripus Probus, Hero of the East, and Bane of King Morven of the Sand Elves. King Morven was a fierce warrior and with a skill unequaled; I slew him, because he alienated himself from his own generals, his own men, and was weak as a result. You would be wise to learn what you can from his tragedy. Make no further attempts to irk my companion, and forget not that all races are bound by our impending doom." With that, Gripus rounded his attention on the Drow's acquaintance, another heavily cloaked figure and possibly kin. "And your help is most welcome. I make for the west gate, where my horse awaits me. Gather any provisions you may need, and meet us there. We'll talk more once we're on the road." He nodded at the Drow, and then to Liliana. "Come, let us go forth."