With each silent step Matthew took down the stairs, the more forgetful he felt. It seemed almost wrong, as if there was something important he had forgotten. It certainly provided enough reason for him to go down. "I suppose I never introduced myself. Sorry about that." He stared down, past her, focusing on the path ahead. "Matthew is my name. First name, at least. Langerous is the second." He looked away, at the wall beside him. "Odd sounding, I know." He added in meekly, as they reached the bottom. Matthew observed the area carefully, walking slowly. He cringed as the girl proved to be a walking apocalypse, knocking over most of the things in her way. [I]'I don't think asking her to be careful will do any good.'[/I] He admitted mentally, thinking she could honestly use some assistance. Not just right now, but perhaps in general. She appeared to be quite quirky, and he wasn't sure of how the outside world treated a person like her. It was concerning, to say the least. Looking at the doors. He simply stared at them, as he searched his mind for memories of them. Nothing came up, he figured it was something he had long forgotten. Much to his annoyance. "Well... Considering these doors, and the time period they were perhaps built in..." He carefully approached one of the doors, resting his palm upon it. "They could be a number of things. Treasuries, storage rooms..." His hand fell, as a thought crossed his mind. "... Tombs, even."