[@OnlyThePie] Oh, right! There are other civilized societies, yes. If your character would benefit from those being developed a bit, go for it -- but I feel like there's plenty to focus on already, haha! [hr] There are quite a lot of PCs here right now, and there's one more on the way I think. The beginning of the RP might feel chaotic at first. There are a few points I feel I should make clear, in case anyone is unfamiliar with RPs of this size: ++ In the beginning of the RP, I probably will not mention every PC in every mod post, unless that PC says or does something that requires my attention. I actually would absolutely love to write a novel-length post every time giving every PC the attention they deserve, but I'm pretty sure that's a quick way to kill the RP. xD ++ If a PC interacts with a NPC or says or does something that requires a minor response from me, I'll make a quick response outside the story posts. ++ People will be dropping out, and the speed will slow down. I'm not looking at anyone in particular -- I adore every one of your characters and would love to have you stick around -- but experience has taught me that about 1/4 to half of all players who submit characters don't stick around past the first 2 weeks. It's just what always happens. That's why there's no cap on how many players I'll accept. Because of this probability, in the beginning of the RP I'm not going to put too much pressure on individual characters, and I'll make sure the story can continue no matter who might end up leaving. I strongly suggest that you all try to do the same -- for the first few rounds, don't lock your character into an interaction that you can't get out of if the other player goes missing. Too many RPs lag because everyone is waiting on everyone else to post. After 2-3 posting rounds, when we've secured a consistent and dedicated group of players, I'll start leaning the plot on your characters. ;) . . . Damn, I ramble a lot.