While everyone else was either still hiding or look for those who were hiding, Harry sat in the bush in a fetal position, tears streaming down his face. [i][color=007236]I don't want to be alone again... Not again...[/color][/i] He thought to himself, rocking back and forth while silently sobbing. The thought of his friends leaving him was too strong, and he wanted to scream, yet idea tormented him so much that he couldn't. [i][color=007236]I know,[/color][/i] he thought, [i][color=007236]I could just stop thinking about it... somehow.[/color][/i] And then, he grinned, and began to shout: [color=007236]"I don't know but I've been told! Eskimo pussy's mighty cold!"[/color] He sang one of the marching cadences from Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket, and that managed to take his mind off things. Now he just had to worry if his friends would find him because of that...