[quote=@Kho] Still a ways off from summer, but just letting you all know that I am in the 'thinking' stages of what a reboot of this RP would be like. Considering something of a sequel where the gods got powerful enough to challenge Invictus and Fate and there was a great war of some kind (no khookies for guessing which side Vowzra and Escre were on xP) which led to the wipeout of the gods and the universe (though I'm considering having something like 'the ghost' (if you will) of Invictus/Fate/one of the other gods remaining as some kind of guardian). And from this mess would emerge the new gods. Would require quite a lengthy backstory (or simply leaving it as a mystery which can be explored ICly via the ghost). Either that, or we do a complete reboot, go back to default setting, Invictus and Fate calling up the gods etc. I think trying to fix up some of the irregularities in this version (regarding timeframes, populations etc.) and just continuing it would be a bit of a big ask. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to put them forward. In any case, here's me confirming that (as of yet) this will still be going ahead come summer :) [/quote] I woke up this morning with, for some reason, a strong feeling that I should check RPG even though I've been inactive for a good while. Apparently, I was fated to see this :lol :lol :lol Regardless, I prefer the idea of a complete reboot. Having that complex backstory just makes things feel... [i]messy[/i], for lack of a better term. Like we were trying too hard to tie things together.