"Yaaah! Eat shit, Imp bastard!", Kara shouted as she watched one of the gunners hit a TIE and evaporate it. It was pretty apparent the TIE pilots were either extremely desperate or quite honestly fanatics from the way they were flying. A nagging feeling in the back of her head forced her to take the [i]Ardent[/i] into steep dive and back up again. With a screech a TIE scraped by the cockpit, just barely missing the ship. Pretty much unexpectedly the door to the bridge opened and one of the Jedi entered in quite the haste. Sarcastically she replied to the Jedi's worries: "Oh, yes. There is definitely something wrong. Normally I wouldn't have to spend four hours to talk my way past the Hutt defences." Kara twisted the control stick once more to evade another TIE that had suddenly changed course, but now burst into a lovely plume of flame and debris. "And so far I haven't been able to spot their carrier. I'm starting to think, they might come from a Hutt ship. Only one way to find out..." Kara noticed that, as soon as she turned her nose towards the planet, a group of TIE interceptors blocked her. "Well, Master Jedi, seeing as you find it so urgent, I'm gonna try something really crazy." Her eyes squinted as she pushed the intercom. "Attention, shields to front, all remaining power to engines, brace for impact!" She knew what she was doing, yes. Somehow she was very sure this was going to work. As soon as the green light on her main panel light up signifying the shield was where it should be, Kara punched the throttle to maximum. The [i]Ardent Liberty[/i] lurched forward racing at the three TIE Interceptors. Kara could almost feel the fear in one of the pilots as the Ardent rushed at the TIE's. A fiery explosion and a massive tremor going through the ship later, Kara, slightly injured from banging her head on the main console, slowed the ship down again and inspected the viewport. Sighing with relief she saw that the [i]Ardent[/i] had managed to pierce the cloud layer. "Well, Jedi. Be glad this worked, we're close enough to the city that the TIE's won't dare firing upon us if they don't want to risk their supposed new alliance with the Hutts."