I can see that most of the reason why those said lasers aren't fired is, inactivity, lack of interest in collaboration, and even bad collaboration. But then again I wouldn't know all that much. The laser is their to facilitate being a part of the RP(Whether on a ship, a ground battery, or whatnot), the background, the story. It doesn't have too fire in order for it to be important or vital to various scenarios presented to it. But I understand what you are saying, the large world is built up from the ground. Detailed, indepth. But it never gets its chance to shine because of lack of Dedication, or time. I think that to solve this problem of lack of dedication a few things like, creating an online group of some sort(Skype, Teamspeak, etc.); and getting to know each other more personally. And making feasible deadlines for posts will contribute to an greater lengthed RP(Most shoot for an post an week). Time on the other hand, which is an precious commodity is an rogue element for most. Especially when you consider the fact that Advanced RPs are absolute time hogs. I think time is the largest killer rather than lack of dedication or interest. People begin to think that they should better use their limited time when opportunity's present themself, or life just takes over. Rping has to be the most time consuming, mentally challenging hobby I've partaken in. Alot goes into creating good characters, nations, and organizations. Not to mention the research I've done on hard science and the mathematical equations I've only just touched the tip of the ice berg for understanding physics better. In truth every time I RP, I see it more as creating an collaborative novella with fellow compatriots. It seems though that sometimes people see these wonderful scifi threads and hop in because they love the setting, but aren't prepared to go much past world building. Because lets face it phase 1 is easy, actually breathing life into the characters and setting is harder. That's my two cents anyways..... :cool