[h1]Gideon Shurima[/h1] Gideon rocked slightly with the ship in the first wave of attacks. "You are indeed correct Saku, we have to move." It was quite surprising at the Droid's eagerness to help. Although.. it's [i]unorthodox[/i] programming makes it different and quick to act without orders. "Go F7, do your job." Gideon quickly added as the machine rushed off to the engines. Gideon didn't immediately follow Saku after she announced that the Lac'Il was moving to the bridge. He... felt something, most likely a disturbance in the force. There were two immense anomalies coming from Nar Shaddaa, which Gideon knew that the other Jedi's on board the Liberty could at least feel something. Gideon had to discuss his fears with the other three if they stay alive. Gideon ran through the doorway, almost sprinting after Rira. The sarcastic comments from the captain probably did not ease Rira, but the events that would follow made Gideon's stomach turn for a second or two. The Orryxian genuinely forwarded all shields and charged straight at three fighters. Gideon barrelled his way towards the pilot seat and braced himself by holding onto the chair. "Captain Tyrrhan! You can NOT be seri-" He began to exclaim until the corvette pummelled it's way through the interceptors. Kara did suggest the notion that the Imperial Fighters might not fire on them so close to the city to avoid casualties. "We can NOT be so sure Orryxian, I trust your judgement enough but make sure you trust yourself enough Captain." Gideon advised. He stepped away from the seat and walked back to Saku. "Rira, you feel it too?" He inquired, somehow telling from her body language and facial expression he remembered before sheer alarm everyone in the bridge shared. [hr] [h1]Severus "Fusion" Sanctitus[/h1] "Bantha shit!" Severus exclaimed as he dropped his knife in the attack as he was suiting up. He scooped it up and sheathed it as he sprinted out of his room. He had to man a turret and fast. Severus distinctly remembered a schematic of the ship and tried to recall where the heavy laser turrets were situated. Once he recalled it, he changed course immediately and ran as fast as he could. Severus got more and more nervous the minute. This mission is going to be over before it started at this rate, and especially if the Orryxian tried some ballsy moves that she seemed to be infamous for. Fusion slipped down the ladder when he found an unmanned turret on the starboard side of the corvette and immediately sat down in the seat. Instead of using the provided targeting screen, Severus pulled a cord from the ventral side of his mechanical arm and plugged it into the data port. The targeting UI transferred into his cybereye in a matter of minutes, which was a lot more comfortable for the cyborg infiltrator. Severus gripped the controls and immediately started firing at interceptors that seemed to be swarming the ship. One flung from the right while another interceptor came from the left. Comlink chatter went crazy around battle stations of the ship, but Severus only used it for call outs. Severus traced one particular fighter, just in front of it. The infiltrator developed a small, sly smirk as he fired the shots, two pairs of green laser rounds propelled through the dark vacuum of space racing straight towards his target, and fortunately, they made their mark. "Starboard turret, Tango Down." He commented on the comlink. Another rumble shook through the ship. The Captain better know what she's doing. The thought left his mind after half a second before he began to fire again.