Dana blinked out of her thoughts, her hands grasping the paper towels, as one of the boys walked up to talk with her. Weird. Shouldn't the NPCs all be back in the gym until further notice? But no, wait, this one seemed different. For one thing, he seemed too cynical to be one of the faceless others. A new one then? So the fresh batch had finally arrived. That was to be expected. [color=f49ac2]"Oh ho, it's nice to meet you Shiba! Name's Dana,"[/color] the pinked-haired girl said cheerily with a bright smile. But before she could really say much more, the familiar tang of blood in the air made her sniff. And before she could even register whose blood it was, she felt her head being slapped rather roughly. [color=f49ac2]"Ow, ow, ow, ow, owiee! Hey that really hurt you know,"[/color] Dana complained, looking up at the blonde girl from before. [color=f49ac2]"Oh it's you again. Oh ho, I'm surprised you can say something like that when you're, you know, buried six feet under,"[/color] she muttered, wondering what this girl's problem was. If she wanted to be Super Trash she would be Super Trash. As her hand slowly stained the paper towel Boss looked down at Dana and her mutterings. "Now here's the thing, you can't be Super Trash, not even regular trash. Why? Because I refuse to waste my precious time on trash, so logically speaking you can't be trash of any sort." Dana was slowly starting to annoy Boss; it was as if she was pushing these buttons of hers on purpose and the thought of her doing that just made Boss that little bit angrier. [color=fff200]"So, Cotton Candy, I have no idea why you changed your hair, but since I'm the Boss, you're no longer allowed to refer to yourself as trash in any way shape or form. If I catch you doing so, I'll hit you again."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Waah, Boss sure is scary,"[/color] Dana joked, not sure why this girl was calling herself that. For some reason it made her a tad bit...angry. She wondered if this girl thought she was using that title. But maybe it was just coincidence. Wiping the rest of the spiced rice off of her uniform, she turned back to Shiba. [color=f49ac2]"Oh ho, sorry about this. But I guess Blondie wants to talk with me in private. Cya round Shiba,"[/color] she said with a grin before marching out of the bathroom. Only when she had taken a good distance away from the bathroom did she cross her arms and lean on the wall, looking up at Boss. [color=f49ac2]"Alright Blondie, you have roughly three seconds to tell me why you think you can call yourself that. Because frankly that pisses me off,"[/color] she said with a dark smirk, shark-teeth gleaming. [color=f49ac2]"If you don't want my hair to turn from pink to red, I suggest you hurry up."[/color] Smiling and turning to Shiba Boss apologized. [color=yellow]"Sorry... Shiba, was it? I seem to have cut your conversation short; don't worry I'll try to make it up to you later, I'm sure a cynic like you will have his uses."[/color] Making her apology, Boss stalked after Dana, the girl's actions making her smile. Was everything really such a big secret? Listening to Dana's threat, Boss could only smile. [color=fff200]"I can call myself Boss because that's who I am. It would be best if you believe me, but... I suppose I can understand if you can't."[/color] Taking the bloody paper towel out of her hand, Boss reached out and gently held Dana's chin. [color=fff200]"I wonder how to convince you~?" Giving it a moment’s thought, Boss used her clean hand to open Dana's mouth and pushed a few bloody fingers in "So, how do I taste?"[/color] The pink-haired girl grimaced, backing up slightly. The fact that she wasn't moving was a reminder that there was a wall behind her. So much for playing it cool and casual. Still, her expression slowly became one of confusion as the blonde girl held her chin firmly. [color=f49ac2]"H-Hey, what are you-hmf?"[/color] Dana tasted the blood, her inhuman teeth rubbing against the soft flesh delicately. She made sure not to injure the girl any more already but that only allowed the blood to freely seep down her throat. Suddenly the girl spluttered, the taste being sweet with heavy coats of bitterness and spice. At once her eyes widened and she lapped up the remains quickly but carefully. Having not eaten anything as of yet, the blood was enough to sate her for now. Soon she backed up, coughing a little as the fingers were removed. The blonde girl's digits would be coated in a slight layer of drool but the blood was all gone. Dana stood up straight and looked up at this blonde girl...no, this familiar face. [color=f49ac2]"You...You're....Boss? That's not...B-Boss...you're not all old and wrinkly anymore!"[/color] she gasped dramatically. It was an odd feeling, Dana licking her fingers, Boss couldn't help but roll her eyes before looking around to see if anyone was staring. Hearing Dana's cough, Boss removed her fingers and wiped the drool onto her shirt. [color=fff200]"Thank you Dana, you take being called older to a whole new level."[/color] Looking at Dana with a smile. [color=fff200]"Let's walk and talk. So, you're aware of this place's purpose, right? Well it... isn't the only one. Since not everyone fits the criteria to be here there has to be. I've gone through one of these places already and, well I'm sure you're aware of how I ended up here from there."[/color] Dana nodded, having a good guess of what had happened. So interference had occurred then? That was fine since it ultimately didn't involve her though she had to wonder why Boss of all people. Because people don't get second chances on some whim from the divine. She was experienced enough to know that promises usually led to the end results of goals. Arriving at the Gym doors, Boss saw it was still raining. [color=fff200]"So how about you show me your dorm and we can have a more comfortable chat?"[/color] The pink-haired girl grinned and nodded, eager to show off her sweet dorm to Boss. And her stomach growling was another reminder that she had still yet to eat anything. [hr] [center][@Jangel13][/center]