Sleeping on top of the RV had not been one of Alexander's best moves. His shoulder ached, causing him to shut his eyes tight and bite down on his lower lip to keep from moaning. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, even if the strain on his arm was killer from climbing up there. Even after all this time, it bothered him. The memories, the images, the restless nights that plagued him in this new world he found himself in. It was harder and if he was honest with himself, it was worrisome. Sighing and shifting to sit up, a low sigh escaped his dry cracked lips, a drink and some food if there was any left to cook would do them all some good. He wasn't even sure if they had the supplies left to even make something for everyone to eat, or if it was going to be dried granola bars all round. He was a food snob, but for the past year, he kept his head down and his lack of food stuff to cook with to a bare minimum. Looking around the encampment, and stretching to get the kinks out of his back, Alexander trudged forward his face blank. He must have missed them talking about something important, Lara was reading her binder again. Probably making a mental list of everything they needed. He was going to say if they were doing a supply run, maybe to grab food items, but instead stood off to the side. Someone would bring it up and he could interject on wanting to actually cook something again to raise everyone's spirits. Even thinking that he knew, they wouldn't find much in fresh produce. The canned goods, even with a handful of spices he managed to grab, did little to change the texture and taste. Plus, he could recall reading something about canned food being less nutritious then a home cooked meal. [i]Yup,[/i] Alexander thought to himself. [i]Hunger is going to set in and that, is never a good combination with our situation. Ever.[/i] "Mornin'," Alexander called to the group. He walked on towards Lara, peaking over her shoulder to see what page she was on. He would never admit it, but it amused him when her nose was stuck in there. Reminded him of his little sister when she was caught in a good book or stuck with homework. Looking away from said lady, Alexander called over his shoulder, "So what's the plan for today? We moving forward again soon or staying still?"