Serpica sighed as the warm coat draped over her small form and warded her against the biting cold. Her snakelike eyes drooped, and she considered taking a nap right there on Al's arm. For a minute her breathing grew softer, and she hissed pleasantly, her forked tongue quickly darting outside her lips. "Thisss isss nissse," she murmured, drifting off. But no, wait! Serpica was a busy girl! There was no time for naps! The Lamia's eyes shot open suddenly, filled with determination. "Before we go, I need to settle some business," the girl informed Al seriously, "for the past couple of weeks, another girl has been horning in on my turf." Serpica's eyes narrowed, and she glared at a distant enemy. "She's been taking all the good garbage for herself, and leaving me to scavenge scraps elsewhere. She's about my age, so I didn't know if I could beat her. With you to back me up, though, we can give her a good scolding!" Serpica patted Al on the back and laughed haughtily. "I'll direct you! We'll find her, and teach her not to go taking other people's trash without permission!"