[B]Old Gotham 9:35 PM[/B] Hearing Mr. Wayne holler from a distance, "Move in, Dick! Take them down hard and fast!" I doubled back on my back and returned to the vicinity of the mobster-mobile. Five mafiosos versus Batman & Robin. I liked those odds. It took a second for me to leap off my bike and into the mess of disoriented mobsters. While they all screamed, my helmet screened out the whine of the sonic weaponry while amplifying communications with Wayne himself. The driver struggled to stop covering his ears so he could stand up straight and aim his pistol at me. But his concentration was nonexistent due to the pain ringing through his ears. His hands shook wildly as he pointed the gun, like Vesper Fairchild at a party, but unlike Vesper, I wasn't going to give him the time of day. So I reached behind my back and tugged my telescoping staff from it's holster, spinning in a quick circle as it expanded. Like a weed-wacker, it twirled and whipped his hand, forcing him to throw the gun away. And while he was unarmed, I punched him in the face before doing a spinning kick that struck his jaw, instantly rendering him unconscious. It all took about three seconds for me to beat the driver, and I saw that the Bat was now among us, helping me against the other four shell-shocked assassins.