[center][h2]Day 2[/h2][/center] The knock drew his mind from the darkness into reality; he immediately pushed himself up and peered at the door, not knowing who required his attention that early in the morning. Still confused about the world and time he was living in, he sprung to his feet and stretched over the armchair to grab something to put on his torso, when, something cracked and sprawled at his feet. He winced and covered his face, knowing that he had just ruined his book about longsword fencing. There was nothing that he could do about it, though, so he simply threw a shirt over his furred torso and cleared his throat. He was about to ask who was at the door, when a woman had voiced her intentions. He swallowed the sour taste in his mouth and rubbed his eyes all throughout a low sigh, remembering that he wasn't in a village anymore. The second day of his "new task"; of his new identity, rather. "Come in." He replied to the woman. She had brought breakfast for him. He nodded slowly at the goods she had placed on his desk and scratched his scruffy cheek. "No wonder lords end up fat and arrogant with this sort of treatment." He commented, bearing a mostly half-asleep smirk, unaware to the rather un-lordly way he addressed to an underling. "You have my thanks." Once he was alone once more, he took the time to make a tidy dog out of himself. Only when he saw his snout in front of the mirror did it occur to hims how many times he was called a wolfling, when in a matter of fact, he had very little ties with wolf anthros; he was, quite surely, a White Shepherd. Unlike his family of feline anthros. He had all the traits to be tagged as halfling, with less feral facial features that harmonized his visage to the charming, odd being he was; he curled his lips in disgust as he saw the bags under his eyes. [i]Two days in and you look like a seasoned king. You'd better gain your strength, mutt, you are responsible about an entire nation.[/i] He mentally pelted himself as he cleaned his teeth. He headed back to the desk and immediately grabbed the butter knife to spread some of the butter on a croissant's surface, out of which he immediately took a wolfish bite; soon after, two entire slice of oranges, peels and all, went down the hatch. He was about to chow down another piece by the time he noticed the folded paper; he crassly grabbed for it and opened it up, his eyes narrowing at the long list of names. They did bulge back open when the realization hit him in the chest. He placed the paper down and read between rows and columns, spotting the eventual odd name in there that would have been an orc, or a human. He blindly reached for some bacon to nibble on as he thought of a proper way to pay respect to these men, when something did cross his mind. He pulled another sheet of paper from the desk and dipped the tip of a quill in some ink and immediately started to copy all the names on the second sheet of paper. It took him some time to complete, but he had his breakfast to keep him company as he worked on the second list. Once he was done, he dressed himself back up in his better looking clothing, taking both lists with him as he left his room, knowing that he had to visit the map and the council chambers for more counseling and planning. In the council chambers, he indeed noticed that the dark elf had remained in her seat, her mismatched eyes seeming glaring at him with no shame of her staring. He could feel his neck barely able to swallow a sip of cold water, her gaze making feel rather nervous about something, as if he had done something and that she had to soon scold him over that hypothetical incident. In the end, she did approach Aleko, his attention fully drawn to her immaculate visage. He only managed to let a small smile brighten his expression before she threw her first question to him. [b]“Simply judging by your appearance and current demeanor, one can tell that you are new yet not inexperienced when it comes to both military and political affairs. I understand you were previously an officer in the Anthro military yet that alone does not explain your…experience…”[/b] Aleko frowned, not really knowing where she was trying to poke with her inquiry; unless it was a subtle compliment, he did not see this was a valid question, so he lightly lifted his shoulders. "That's my entire background, I'm afraid." He stated with a frank attitude. "There's no deep secret about my experience, if that is what you wish to discover, Lady Shroudmyr. Well, I suppose you are familiar to the fact that I am of noble anthro descent, where I did learn most of what I know about politics and etiquette. Everything else I do is just what feels best for me to do, I do not know how else I could describe." [b]“Are you aiming to be a benevolent ruler who lends an ear to the every whim of the people, or perhaps one to be feared and never crossed or questioned?”[/b] He smirked. "Why choose white or black when there are an infinite shades of grey in between the two extremities. I find moderation and balance to be the answer, adapt to the situation and act accordingly. Rigid leaders and regimes often end up collapsing." [b]"Assuming the campaign ends in our victory and you will seat the throne of the Empire, what plans would you have for the future?”[/b] Aleko raised an eyebrow, feeling just like in teenage years, when girls would ask him Oracle questions about him to determine if they wanted to date him or not. "That's an assumption I'm trying to push back. I suggest we focus on our first steps and once the end is in sight, we will think about the future. Mind in the past dies in memories, mind in the future dies of worries; mind in the present, alive it is." [b]“If you would have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for the good of the Empire, would you have the strength to do so, I wonder?”[/b] "At the moment, I've nothing to sacrifice, thus, there's nothing for me to lose." He stated bluntly, his voice turned a little sour at her poke. "I am leaving for combat in a few days and I will lead the scouting party, then, the infiltrating squad. What does that tell about me, if not recklessness?" She had made her remark as she left, the door closing behind her. He took a few moments to pass before he could chuckle to himself and shake his head. [i]You're not my friend, no one is. You're my asset, I'm your key to wealth and power[/i], he sourly thought to himself as he stood up, finished the glass of water and headed out, wanting to visit the smithy; he was interrupted by the human envoy, one of the noblemen whose presence he enjoyed. He smiled to him and nodded in respect. "Master Gwynpath." He addressed to him with proper etiquette. The title of Emperor didn't feel too bad after all, he felt as if he could draw some enjoyment from it. [b]“Milady Shroudmyr is a lovely woman, isn’t she?”[/b] Aleko simply smirked, holding back the need to scoff. "First things first, it is [u]my[/u] lady, you're of noble descent too. And, well, I'm convinced she is lovely, especially when asleep." [b]“I hear that such grace and elegance is rare, even among her people. Perhaps it is due to her… origin, meaning no disrespect, sire.”[/b] [i]You like her, don't you Marcus?[/i] Aleko thought to himself as he listened to the human envoy as he kept him company to the smithy. [b]“I don’t mean to sound suspicious or uncouth, but you should perhaps consider, sire, that along with the comely appearance she may have also inherited the cunning and slyness of both races… and frankly, one side had more than enough, if you beg my pardon. Have you encountered many Dark Elves before? Out of all races I always considered them to be the most… let’s say, suspicious. From what I hear, it is considered complementary to bring your finest poison when attending a dinner party with their nobles.”[/b] "If you don't trust the Dark Elves, what is there left to be said about the Undead, master Gwynpath? I've heard about that saying before, even though I can't say that I've met many Drow-kin in my short life. I say, pay no mind to her shady origins and presence, let her actions and decision speak in her name; enjoy the view while at it, after all, we're both males." He added in a hushed whisper, followed by a coy smirk. But again, the envoy implied carefulness with picking who to trust and who to mistrust. Aleko felt the taste again in the back of his throat, feeling rather disappointed about his attitude; it was clear to him that there was already some competition among them, most likely seeking whoever had the Emperor's best regards. Those who didn't enter were confident they would be immediately picked by him. [i]I'm not like you, milk-drinkers. A soldier has a different heart, his soles dirty with mud and engorged hands with cuts and bruises. Silver tongues don't impress him, but a golden heart in darkness is what he seeks in his comrades.[/i] To end the day, Aleko had made his way to his desired location, where he handed the second list to the specialist, offering him very clear instructions: make a large plaque to bear the names of those that had fallen for him. What he would do with it was his own idea, but he needed it done as quickly as possible. With not much else to do, he headed to sleep, but he was haunted by nightmares that stole his chance to properly rest. [center][h2]Day 3[/h2][/center] Dull was the day indeed, but it was a day he could spend in peace in the comfort of a castle, instead of having to ration his food and try to organize half-witted peasants. He acknowledged the physician's regards and followed his old wizard to his own quarters, where he discovered a full plate suit of armor standing in the middle of the room. He took a moment to inspect the finish, the polish, the interlocking mechanisms, the joint work, the flamboyant decorations; he inspected the chain mail too, then, the tunic, which reminded him that he had to wear completely different colors from now on. He scratched his chin as the wizard blabbered on, but the genuine laughter drew a chuckle from Aleko too, not knowing what he was laughing about. "Until my sword bends and my rifle explodes, I will keep them. The armor, though, looks good. Too good to ruin it in battle, I'll use it during ceremonies. Until my own Elite Ranger suit breaks its first chain or lock, I'll wear that one; I mean no disrespect to this man's work, but at heart, I am a Ranger. My armor is my hide and until I break it, it stays on me. If I take it off, I'm as good as a turncloak." He sighed at the end, his ears drooping. "Which reminds me, I should start wearing crimson red more often, shouldn't I?" But the wizard had a very different matter in his old mind. [b]The Scepter of Sefnir… it is probably the oldest relic of the Sendrakon family, said to have been used by Arkturious himself. Mmmmm…. According to some texts, it is even older, predating Unity all the way back to the Ancinet Times, though it sounds rather exaggerated if you ask me.”[/b] [b]“Sire… uhm… Sir, if I may ask, how do you… feel, when holding it?”[/b] Aleko took a moment to describe the odd sensations he had, the familiarity of the handle, the weight, the texture, everything about it; as familiar as his own weapons, in facts. A sensation the wizard found peculiar too, describing Aleko's would-be ancestors and their own experience with the same object. [b]“Ah, forgive me. Old habits die hard. After all, it us the duty of us Wizards, Mages and Sorceress to seek knowledge, no?”[/b] The halfling smiled to him and rested a hand on the older man's shoulder. "No need to apologize for delving into your passion, Master Cyrus. Honestly, it pains me to know someone had made you apologize for showing your appreciation for knowledge; after all, knowledge is the true power, it separates us from the common rabble." Then came the feedback from the envoys. He carefully listened to them, frowning heavily to Weissnoat's remark. [i]Pup? Let me see you sleep on ice, hide from searching parties and take over an entire castle with four friends, you puffed-up, milk-drinking, sweet-tooth, tail-wagging, green-as-spring mongrel.[/i] He agreed with everyone else's opinions, especially those that wanted to see him in action. Bulkwyn did worry him, though. For the same reason, Aleko spent the rest of the day training, knowing that the day of his departure to the front lines drew near; his drills grew in intensity as the day progressed, his body tensed to the maximum as he pushed his musculature to maximum performance. That night, he slept like a boulder, the strange bed becoming the most comfortable place the entire Avalon had. [center][h2]Day 4[/h2][/center] Sore all over his body, he really was glad he had one more day to relax and prepare his mental fortitude for cold weather and the same conditions he lived through The Sacking of Castle Kyrm. The most challenging two weeks of his life. But he could look back at it fondly and boast he went to the operation a young lad and returned a seasoned man, young as he were. He had to go for it again, but this time, he was on a limited time frame; he had to reach the camp, sleep the night and come dawn, start the search. Hopefully, he didn't have to storm the castle in an assault and instead, work his way over to the steward and female nobility left behind to rule over the keep and force them to forfeit their strategical location to him and his troops. It all depended on his efficiency of finding the secret back door, and also, on the inside work of the infiltrators. Most of the day, he chewed on his worried and doubts, most of the other lordly tasks being ignored as he was focused on his military task ahead; he did know that his focus on that aspect was unhealthy for the nation he had to lead, but he needed to vent the frustration he accumulated during his stay in the small city and his captivity on board the flying castle. He managed to get some sleep before the day of his departure arrived, dreaming of sneaking, battling and for some reason, eating olives on the top of a tower while sniping flaming dwarves. [center][h2]Day 5[/h2][/center] Clad in his Elite Ranger suit of armor and the tabbard of the other set held in place by several belts and locks, Aleko fitted his helmet last with the help of a few squires eager to help the Emperor don his Ranger Pelt. With his longsword slung at his right hip, the sidearm in its holster on the right, the dagger in its sheath on the front of his chestplate and the rifle slung on his shoulder, the halfling Shepherd met with the wizard in the study. [b]“Good morning, sir. Prepared for today’s events I see… Nervous?”[/b] "Like a blushing maiden." He commented with a small smirk mostly hidden by the bascinet fitting his canine snout. "Can't help it, though. Every operation in the field is potentially deadly, but I keep my wits about. Maybe it'll work out in my favor again." [b]“I will transport you to general Bulkwyn’s location now. Are you prepared, sir?”[/b] "Transport me how? Ah." He nodded. "Forgot. Well, let's not stall and keep our men waiting for me in the field. Take care, master Cyrus. I'll try not to be long." [b]“Good luck, sir. May you return victorious!”[/b] "For Av-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was instantly ported in the field, the sickening sensation getting to him again, although not as strongly as the first time. "-alon. Hm." He inspected his surroundings, the chilly weather instantly freezing his wet nose. The location was completely unknown to him, but nothing odd there, he was in a completely new location he had never had the chance to explore. The temperature did feel comfortable for him, since he had layers upon layers of protective gear under the plates of armor, save for his exposed face. He took a deep breath and exhaled, steam rolling out from his snout. [i]I missed wearing this[/i] he told himself as he rolled his shoulders in the suit of armor [i]this feels a lot better than being trapped up there.[/i] He then heard the distinctive clattering of armor plates, so familiar that he nearly jumped when he saw a fellow ranger approach him in a jog. [b]“Sire! Good to see you. Please follow me, I am to escort you to the camp.”[/b] "Wooh-ah." He replied before he put his own feet to work, the jog deeply etched in his muscle memory as he followed his underling through the forested area. He loved every aspect of this sort of life, the danger, the camaraderie, the respect. Everything. Just by following this one individual through the forest, he felt nostalgia wash over him, as armor clanged, scabbard slapped and breaths echoed against the faceplate. They reached the camp, which looked as if it was made hastily. No wonder, they had to move as soon as his own white bottom would appear. He met with the general, whose salute he returned with perfect execution. "At ease, general." It felt so weird to address to a General like so, when just almost a week ago he was but a Lieutenant. [b]“We are at the edge of the province of Coldshire, sire.”[/b] The general informed Aleko. [b]“We will be departing on your command and should reach the fortress from Northspark tomorrow. If we are careful we should be able to travel unnoticed. If not…well let’s hope your prediction is correct and the Stainless will assume that these were troops from Coldshire, thinking that they could mount an attack upon the town only to discovered it still under heavy protection.”[/b] "Then, let's not waste more time and pack up. We leave now." He ordered with a stern attitude, feeling far superior to the older woman who, after all, had a lot more experience than him. Her behavior still made him question her prowess, but it definitely made it easier for him to order her around. The march started. Aleko was in the center of the marching party, general Bulkwyn keeping up with him with noticeable ease. [i]A true General that is active on the field. I may like you a bit more, Bulkwyn[/i] Aleko told himself as he glanced at her presence with the corner of his right eye. As soon as he heard her muffled voice, he turned his whole head to her, as his hearing was a little impaired by the bascinet and the sound of clattering steel. [b]“This must seem all to familiar to you, no?”[/b] she inquired. "Familiar?" Aleko snorted and took a deep breath of the chilly air again. "This is my life, General. This is what I truly know and love." [b]“I for one am more comfortable out here in the field than inside that floating building. I only wish we could have all that fancy food with us."[/b] Aleko chuckled with her and slowly nodded. "I always get the feeling that I will fall out the window. I've been kept like a lion in a cage; I get to stretch my legs and get my soles wet. This is the life here, General. But caviar, salmon and bacon-wrapped roasted beef can replace gruel and rat stew every day, I agree." The same sort of relaxed pose and attitude floated around Aleko, finding himself in his natural habitat. [b]“You mentioned you fought in the War of Tulips, right? I knew I heard that name before we officially met, though if memory serves right, you were called ‘Frosty’ back then, huh?”[/b] "Well, fought as in: I snuck around a castle for two weeks, his under rocks and mounds of moss. Then some fighting occurred, sure, but I never fought in open battlefield. Small run-ins and skirmishes, yes, I have quite a few on my belt." He then groaned at the nickname. "Yes, among 'Snowflake', 'White Death' and 'Winter Bunny'." Judging by her head movement she inspected Aleko for a moment [b]“I can understand that nickname”[/b] Even so, he smirked and shook his head, preferring to be called by his nickname than 'sire' or 'my lord' or 'milord'. They arrived at the next campsite, where he offered to help building up the tents, rather than sitting on his hind and watch everyone else work. The familiar feeling of ravaging hunger hit him in the stomach, which was covered by the sludge his portion of gruel turned out to be. He listened in as she repeated the plan, nodding at the key aspects of the briefing by the time she was done, he could still feel the rather unprofessional attitude in her; it slowly became obvious to him why she had adopted such an attitude and why it was permitted: she loved her life as military. Aleko also had the chance to take off his own helm and face plate to enjoy the biting temperature of the night, now finally being able to ignore his own heartbeats and breathing patterns. "The plan sounds very familiar to what I dictated, save for a small, rather important detail that you have overlooked, general. I understand that you must be concerned for my well being, but I AM taking a team of scouts and I WILL search for an emergency exit to break open and infiltrate the castle. I don't want to sit and watch the fortress while we have agents working inside. Three teams of three circling the castle for as long as needed. If anyone finds it, they will report at the rendezvous, or, receive the signal from the infiltrators. Hopefully, we won't have to storm the damned place." [b]“Mmmm… do you think they will surrender?"[/b] she inquired once the strategic talk was over [b]“I mean, they are from the Old Empire. They must be more reasonable than those from the Stainless right? And if they surrender, do you really think we can convince them to join our side? What if they don’t?”[/b] "I- hrm." Aleko did look like he was pondering what she had just brought up. "We will offer them the option, under no circumstances are we to outright slaughter them without giving them the chance to surrender and drop their weapons. If they don't join, they become prisoners. Prisoners are to be kept around for forced labor. Sounds like a reasonable contract, no?" He asked in a half-joking manner, but only a few moments after he realized that her casual attitude had imprinted on him. [i]Curses.[/i] Then came a very interesting twist about the General, which caught Aleko completely off-guard. He knew that she was excited about him, but for her to speak so highly about a complete stranger, albeit him an Elite Ranger, it made him feel his cheeks swell; he didn't know if they were already red from the biting chill, but he sure hoped that she wouldn't notice him fluster like a little maiden. He nervously chuckled and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "General, the Wizard's task was to find the last of the Sendrakon. It happened to be me, there wasn't really a choice there. Still, thank you for your kind words, General. I'll try to do my very best." He declared, keeping his composure even though he could feel himself warm up to the irreverent rodent halfling. He agreed with her about sleeping, he did need to rest his legs after the march, as he yet readjusted to the gritty lifestyle of being on the field. Her last remark caught him off-guard once more, being merely able to mutter a confused "What?" as she implied that he'd try to make a move on her. He couldn't complain, rebuke or retort as she immediately left for her own tent, leaving him with her bold words. If he flustered before, the deep red in his cheeks and the warm in his chest and between his thighs should be evident enough of his impression about Bulkwyn's attitude. [i]Did she just invited me to her tent? She invited me to visit her tent.[/i] He thought to himself as he headed to his own, where he slacked the knots and bolts holding the armor tight on his body, giving him a bit more comfort to be able to lay down and rest. He looked at the sky through the tent, the fabric rippling as the wind blasted by. [i]It is cold here. I will get used to it, especially with this blanket. But with a woman on my side-[/i] he soon shook his head and rolled on his side. [i]An FSC, no less. But a damned passionate officer. She's... she's into me. Is she? I haven't felt the warmth of one for so l- no. Get yourself together. You'll deal with your loneliness once this task here is done. Grab this territory and you can have her. Sleep tight, tomorrow there's leather-stomping to do, Frosty.[/i] And there, his mind drifted into a dreamless slumber, his body and mind achieving the much needed rest for the mission ahead. First, Castle Kyrm. Next, Castle Northspark.