Getting a hold of herself once more, Irina steeled her shoulders and nodded. [color=0076a3]“Yeah, I think moving all of our stuff together is a good idea. We could take turns keeping watch when we’re tired. If I remember correctly, I was in room 9. But I don’t think that’s the one we should gather in…”[/color] She looked around uncomfortably, before letting out a puff of air through her lips. As Austin mentioned the gun that he got, Irina’s first instinct was to curiously question him. She'd used guns before, but had never heard of one getting it's chambers sealed. [color=0076a3]"Thanks for being honest. Revolver, right? What type, if you know?"[/color] Irina couldn’t help but jump at the sudden voice directly behind her. Turning around, she saw another girl and sighed in relief. It wasn’t a monster, or their captor (whomever that happened to be), which was good enough for her. She introduced herself, yet again, with a small smile. Looking at Justin, she couldn’t help but give a quiet snicker at his joke.[color=0076a3] “You’ve got some obsession with ghosts,”[/color] she muttered under her breath. Within moments he had also reached into his pockets and pulled out what appeared to be found in his box. Irina leaned close, examining the small vials and furrowing her brows when she couldn’t figure out what one of them meant. [color=0076a3]“What is this Monster one?”[/color] She wondered if it was just an American thing that she wasn’t understanding. Despite being good at English, she wasn’t well rounded in slang or some short-hand words. English jokes often flew right over her head as well. She eyed the trio around them, hoping one of them could explain the ominous label. [i]“I think our best chance to get out of this is if we can all work together. So, if it is okay with you, I think we should tell each other what our ‘mission’ is, and then do it.” [/i] Irina nodded and pulled her phone out of her pocket. Rereading the message, she glanced up at them before answering, [color=0076a3]“Mine says I have to help someone. That’s all. But help them with what?”[/color] Scratching her head, Irina showed her new ‘friends’ her phone before pocketing it once more. Another voice called out from the darkness and Irina let out a sigh.[color=0076a3] “How many of us are there?”[/color] Shaking her head, she tried to ignore how fucked this situation was. After Justin, she called out as well. [color=0076a3]“There’s 3 of us, please don’t be scared! Grouping together would be better than going alone.”[/color] Her thick accent echoed off the walls and bounced back to her ears. Irina swallowed, staring into the darkness in hopes of seeing another friendly face. So far, they had been very lucky in not running into anyone, or anything, crazy. She wondered about this drop off point that Justin had mentioned, but whatever it was it could provide valuable hints about their situation. [color=0076a3]“I don’t know if going alone is a good idea. At least take one of us with you. Just in case? The others can start gathering all of our things into one room… Or we can all just stay grouped up.. I don’t know.”[/color] Irina realized that she had started to ramble, caught herself, and quickly stopped talking.