[@TheWindel] Shiba smiled a little at her when she said her name was Dana. He then got confused when Dana was taking to the new girl about being six feet under. What did she mean by six feet under? Although the girl got a good nickname for Dana by calling her cotton candy Shiba would still sick with shark tooth as Dana nickname. [color=green]"Later Dana"[/color] was all Shiba could say to her before he was left with "boss" as they both liked to refer to her. Then Shiba got a little annoyed when she called Shiba a cynic, Shiba wasn't cynical he was just tired of being told what to do and could never do what he wanted. [color=green]"I'm not a cynic, and I don't work for anyone"[/color] Shiba said before she left thinking it was better to say so then to insult her so early to him being here. Once they left Shiba then went to work on trying to dry himself off...