[center][h3]Alastro, The Mantis Scoundrel & Julis, Darth Ianthinus[/h3][/center] Alastro made an exaggerated bow after Tras accepted his help. [color=gray][b]"Thank you, Tras. From now on, my enemies are your enemies. Consider my gun yours."[/b][/color] The woman did seem extremely confident of their strength, though. Even as Grogga started complaining, the woman was quick to calm the Hutt's worries as she brought a commlink up and called for someone. 'The Dark Acolytes', she said. Well, that indeed sound like some real firepower. Whether they would live up to their badass name or not was a matter that would be seen after the fight started. Alastro still turned to the 'Bounty Hunter' that had accompanied him in the meeting, though. Well, yes, he did introduce them as a partner bounty hunter of his, but what were they trying to do, making Grogga back down? The Children were obviously planning something big, and if the slimy fat bastard missed on it, he'd let his whole weight (which Alastro was sure was a frigging lot) fall over them. Well, not his problem. Julis turned her head to the sight and put two fingers by her ear as the incoming transmission arrived. She nodded after receiving her instructions. [color=92278f][b]"Understood."[/b][/color] Julis merely said before cutting the comm link, turning on her heel and heading for the warehouse. The Stormtroopers she encountered on her way stood on attention as she passed through. Julis could only think about Tras' intentions, though. She surely was trying to gain some respect through the use of the Dark Acolytes currently on the planet, but Julis certainly did not seem averse to the idea, in fact she welcomed it. The more they feared the Children of the Emperor, the better. It would make them think twice (at a later date) if they should really follow through with their usual acts of villany. She arrived to the door leading to the meeting and the Stormtroopers standing guard there too stood in attention. Julis nodded at the both of them, and the one by the right nodded back, before moving slightly to his side and opening the door for her. Darth Ianthinus then walked into the meeting before going to where Oren and Alastro were. She stood in front of the two of them and then scanned the whole room with her eyes. Criminal scum in great quantities. If it were any other day, it'd be like her birthday, but right now they needed to work together. [color=92278f][b]"Greetings, gentlemen.[/b][/color] She started, [color=92278f][b]"I am known as Darth Ianthinus. A Dark Jedi, part of The Children Of The Emperor and here to ensure that this meeting can go without interferances. I can sense Jedi inside the New Republic vessel, so I am sure you will find my help invaluable."[/b][/color] The Necropolitan said to the gathering of crime lords. More than one looked at her with surprise, others with fear and some others with obvious incredulity. Alastro, for one, did not care for the incoming Dark Jedi and her presentation card. [color=gray][b]"Well, if the Jedis DO show up, then I've already got someone to cover my ass."[/b][/color] He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. [color=gray][b]"In any case, Tras, consider your back protected by yours truly. As long as it is not a Jedi blade, I can stop just about anything."[/b][/color] The mantis said with a confident smile in his green face. Julis could hear Alastro clearly enough though, but showed no signs of being affected by his words as she walked to take a position beside Tras Oren.