[center][b]Name: [/b] Nero Winterfield [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Sexuality: [/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140325065552/of-men-and-titans/images/d/da/Tumblr_ll1lggQS8g1qf8r8uo1_500.jpg[/img] Tends to look and wear ragged clothes and usually has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Doesn't wear glasses. [b]Personality: [/b] He is completely insecure about himself and is extremely socially awkward. When he does mingle with groups he usually stays quite unless spoken too or feels he has something worth saying, which isn't much. He has few interest but if you get him talking about one of them he will go on for hours and still not get through half of the things he wants to say on the subject. He constantly needs someone to look up to to help him strive to become better, for the better or worse. [b]Skills: [/b] Excellent strategist and a level thinker under stress. Make decent meals to eat Knows multiple coding languages Is amazing at video games in general. [b]Brief Backstory: [/b] Him and Aletha were best friends as long as he can remember. His first day of school he was extremely shy and was the first target bullies. After a few days he met Aletha. She ask him a few question and he mumbled a response and it seemed like it didn't matter because she said she liked him and want to be friends. He though she was crazy standing up to thoughts bullies and wasn't afraid of what seemed of anything. Very soon the accident happened and they became a whole lot closer now that they were living together and practically became brother and sister. He began looking up to her thinking that she's gone through so much and yet can still smile like nothing had happened. He thought she was p.s. strong and wanted to be just as brave as her, though he found that extremely hard and ended up having to be protected by her every time he was in trouble. He became especially socially awkward when he started to read more complex books and play video games, shouting himself for most of the day, in his room when at home. There in the virtual world he felt like he was just as strong as, or even stronger than Aletha and became addicted to the games, but not to any extreme. He never seemed to find fault in aletha decisions even when they seemed obviously bad, though the repercussions he continuously reminded her about usually stopped her. [b]Tuner: N/A[/center][/b]