[CENTER][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Janelle%20Hambrick&name=Feeling%20Babylon.ttf&size=50&style_color=0099FF[/img][/CENTER] [hr] [hr] [i]"Okay guys, so today we're going to be starting off the show covering someone we haven't really spoken about in a long time. Today marks a year since Reality Socialite Janelle Hambrick seemingly dropped off the face of the Earth after she was caught exhibiting Hyperhuman abilities during the season 4 taping of TransAmerica."[/i] The blonde woman stared at her flat screen TV with a blank stare as TMZ live started their show with numerous pop culture topics. Janelle closed her eyes and sighed as she leaned back into her sofa hearing her name loud and clear from Harvey Levin, the chief editor. After the first 6 months that she dropped off the grid, she had hoped they would have stopped talking about her. But it just went on and on, her phone blowing up with her fans trying to Tweet and Instagram her about her whereabouts. After that day, she couldn't build up the courage to show her face knowing that most of the public would think she was a freak. So she ran. Far away from the west coast to try to get away from it all. But it always seemed to follow her. Every time she turned on a TV she was always mentioned. The reactions were pretty mixed with the public either being 'WE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU JANEY' to 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I STANNED THAT HYPERHUMAN TRASH. UNFOLLOWED.' She tried to look at the bright side of everything but truth be told, there was no bright side at least not from what she saw. She felt humiliated after that video leaked and now she was being reminded of it all over again. [i]"In my opinion I think she should have said 'Hey I'm a hyperhuman and I'm trans. So what.' It would have been amazing to see her be a spokesperson for not only trans rights but also for people with abilities. So now we're going to hear what fellow cast member Veronica Hamilton from the hit show TransAmerica has to say about it. Hey Veronica?"[/i] [i]"Yeah I'm here, hey Harvey!"[/i] [i]"So obviously you and Janelle didn't leave on the best of terms from what we seen last on the show. And in the video clip that was leaked, it was shown you throwing a drink at her and then defending herself with what looked like an invisible shield? What was going through your mind when that happen."[/i] [i]"Ugh. To be honest, I was just afraid for my life. She was always a bitch before and now to think she has these powers will only make her worse. I never liked her to begin with, we always clashed from the minute we met and she's an all around mean person. I mean its not everyone's fault that you dropped out of college and used your daddy's money to get famous."[/i] Janelle's jaw practically hit the floor immediately after her Veronica started to bash her on national television. Heat and anger began to build up inside of her until she just decided to lash out. "Are you fucking kidding me? You have a fucking SUGAR DADDY. He's the one that paid for those cheek fillers and that botched ass. At least my family worked hard for what we got you dumb bitch with that knock-off flea market dress!" She grabbed her hair and screamed into her knees that she had against her chest. Veronica Hamilton was always out to get her ever since the start of the show. She had never said anything negative towards her and it seemed she acted out in jealousy. Either way, now this woman was bashing her in front of the country and she wasn't there to defend herself. [i]"So if you ask me, I'm glad that she's gone."[/i] [i]"Hahaha well at least you're honest. Thanks for talking with us and I hope you come back to speak with us soon."[/i] [i]"No problem Harvey, bye!"[/i] She didn't wait for the program to end as she immediately changed the channel to the news. Everything that was happened was all too overwhelming for her and she just wanted to breakdown and cry. Her entire world that she had built, the success that she achieve was just all crashing around her and there was nothing she could do. Actually she could do something. She could come out of hiding and face the world. Show everyone she is still the same person they all fell in love with who just happened to be a Hyperhuman. But how could she show her face after she decided to run away like a coward when she was exposed. She sighed heavily when she changed the station to the local news. [i]"Hello and thank you for tuning into KHPB Channel 12 News for a breaking story. I am Elizabeth Witherspoon and I am currently standing outside of Pointe Bordeaux City Hall where Fairchild Electronics plans to go public with their latest device known as the Fairchild Pacifier that is said to neutralize all hyperhuman abilities. More about this story later on today. Now back to our regular scheduled programming."[/i] Janelle rolled her eyes and turned off the television, standing up to stretch. She looked about at her [url=http://www.luxurycondos.tv/resources/lc8787.jpg]condo[/url] and walked over to the window where she could see downtown Pointe Bordeaux from a bird's eye view. She didn't often leave her home but maybe now was the time to venture around the city and maybe stop by City Hall to see what all the fuss was about. There was nothing else to do and she needed to go outside before she went crazy. After about 45 minutes, she had a mug beat for the gods but was covered by dark sunglasses so people wouldn't recognize her. She wrapped a scarf around her head while she sported a burgundy blouse, white pants, and some black Christian Louboutin heels. Grabbing her thousand dollar Coach bag, she left her Condo and went down to her Bentley where she began to drive around the city, finding her way to City Hall where she parked inside of a parking garage. Looking around to make sure no one saw her, she disappeared from the visible spectrum and made her way across the street where she noticed others were gathering around the main entrance of the hall. She found herself a spot underneath a giant tree and watched from afar as the wind began to pick up slightly from the impending storm.