[h3]List of Creatures in the City[/h3] To be added as the RP continues, but I'll only be adding as these creatures are brought into play in the IC. [hider=Creatures] [b]Shadow Graphers [i](White-Eyed Variant)[/i][/b] - The most recurring and easily spotted of the City's creatures. These act as the City's messengers, writing the messages in shadows on walls or in the air. Mostly, however, they're a pack creature, amassing in hundreds of themselves, sometimes fusing together to create hellish monstrosities at a moment's whim. Most Shadow Graphers are white-eyed Shadow Graphers, and aside from being able to fuse into something that looks large and menacing they really are close to the bottom rung of the ladder as far as threat scales go. [i]Appearance[/i] - They are created of a semi-translucent, black shadowy substance that the City creates from the shadows. They take a vaguely humanoid form, with an earless silhouetted gob for a head and long, slender proportions, akin to shadows cast against walls from an evening sun. Fingers long and reaching like claws, they can do some heinous things on their own to the unprepared, but with the prepared their flesh is something akin to tissue paper, or warm butter. [i]Abilities[/i] - They can mold themselves into shapes that appear large or intimidating and can move fluidly in the shapes they mold themselves into, acting and fighting well for the physiology they adapt to. They can be fairly fast and any direct contact with them allows them to slice where their shadowy flesh meets your skin on contact. [i]Weaknesses[/i] - Shadow Graphers have tissue density of, well, tissue paper, or sometimes a really strong one will have the density of lukewarm butter. They are among the single easiest creatures to kill and even though the shadows can reform, the things they create are diminished in size and power on an exponential level each time they're severely wounded. [b]The Flock[/b] [i]Description[/i] - The City's resident eyes in the skies, The Flock are essentially the next step up from Shadow Graphers. They are aerial embodiments of nature and darkness, in a manner similar to the Shadow Graphers with a few differences, the first and foremost being the inclusion of wings. [i]Abilities[/i] - The Flock can take to the skies and has incredible agility in the air with their shadowy wings. A group of Flock birds can fuse together like Shadow Graphers, but form instead into dangerous weather phenomena, like hail, lightning, and twisters. They can also merge with and enter a human being, using it as a living Nest that's symbiotically linked, but cases of this are almost unheard of. [i]Weaknesses[/i] - The Flock's tissue is actually weaker than a Shadow Grapher's, and a single bullet or arrow can burst a Flock bird. They're especially vulnerable to fire or exterior electric attacks. Though most importantly- once they transform into the weather phenomena and it dissipates, they're gone. The birds used in that transformation are dead. [/hider] [hider=Enemy Afflicted] None thusfar. [/hider] [hider=Enemy Constants] None thusfar. [/hider] Just a word to everyone that the enemies seem daunting, but each fight from a Shadow Grapher to a Towerspawn to an Afflicted are all fightable, and even Kat's Servant advantages aren't necessary. All it takes is time, ammo, and strategy and anyone can feasibly take down quite a few of things on the Creatures and Enemy Afflicted list. I will let you know if I'm about to implement a threat that's a little above the norm, that there [i]is[/i] a chance that you will lose the fight, that your character will get hurt if you're not careful, and I will message you about it and how you want to go about it. I will never ask you to enter a situation your characters cannot handle. Most of the creatures out there, I trust that your characters can all handle it to some extent. They might need teamwork more than others, and they might rely on strategy over raw power, but I'm never going to put your characters in a losing situation they can't fight their way out of unless it's something so big that it'd be silly not to have the legitimate threat of non-lethal fight losing, and if that's the case I'll let you know.