Mizu wandered around town grumbling under his breath and glaring at anyone who looked at him funny. [i]'I hate this stupid town. All of this potential money surrounding me and I don't get to touch any of it. Instead I got to find some stupid Axew, and then just watch him!I don't even get to beat the little lizard and take his stuff! I'm not meant for this type of work, I can't even go into the library without the librarian watching me like a Staraptor.'[/i] Mizu kicked a nearby rock and growled under his breath. A few minutes passed and he made another pass by the library. It seemed to be where the Axew spent most of its time. He couldn't go in though. He left that to Him instead. Mizu's head whipped towards the entrance when he saw the Axew get kicked out and he quickly hid in a nearby alley. He then began following the Axew as stealthily as possible and watching him. This was so stupid and irritating.