[@Antarctic Termite][@floodtalon] The small Axew jumped as he was poked on the shoulder. He didn't want another library incident, so he calmly turned around to face the person who poked him. Devin was uncomfortable in this town, and even more uncomfortable when faced with talking to a stranger. "You there boy, are you in affiliation with the Exploration Guild? If so I have a small errand to be run, if not..." He held out a slim, brassy yellow coin. "You may be interested in running it anyway. My name is Doctor Siward. I can give you directions." Devin wasn't familiar with there way of currency in the Pokemon world, nor was he remotely ok with running an errand of someone he just met, especially with all the strange things going on lately. The Axew looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't, so he stood there with his mouth partially open for a few seconds, before he managed to get something out. [color=8882be]"Well imkinda newhereso... Idontreallyknowmuch andimafraidicantresllyhelpyaso... Ibetterbegoingandum.... Ilseeyousoonmaybe?"[/color] The Axew skipped away as fast as he could. Especially when he noticed people giving the doctor strange looks, and backing away from him. Devin stopped in an easily visible alley, were the 'Doctor' could easily find him, but it wasn't only the doctor who wanted him for something. He heard deep breathing coming from the alley, and when he backed up to run out, he bumped into something. He looked, but there was nothing there. Whatever it was, it felt scaly and rough. Devin soon felt pressure on his throat, and a green hand materialized out of nowhere, latching onto his throat. On the other side of the alleyway, a Scyther appeared from the shadows. One of its blade hands was glowing a brilliant blue. He was slowly walking towards Devin, each by inch, each step, making Devin more terrified. [color=8dc73f]"Hey, Mizu, we got 'im! You better come quick, before we have all the fun!"[/color] Devin tried to call for help, but he only managed to get out, [color=8882be]"Heeeeeee-"[/color] before the green hand closed on his throat even more, making him unable to talk, let alone scream.