[center][h3][color=fff79a]Liliana Stormshadow - The Fallen Star[/color][/h3] Location: Campus Magnus[/center] Liliana's suspicion grew as each of the women spoke further and she got a chance to listen closely to their voices. The way her race was brought into the equation narrowed the possibilities, for few but elves were likely to know it so easily, and even fewer held contempt enough for her kind to mention it in such a way. The Crone's reluctant agreement that they were likely the strongest of all those present in the camp came as no comfort, particularly when she seemingly flaunted her magical ability in Lili's face. The insult stung deeply, and it was clear that she took it personally by the way her fists and jaw clench. While she was trying to decide whether or not to draw her sword, Gripus spoke up and ultimately confirmed her suspicions. [color=fff79a][i]Drow, then. And it seems this Lady of Shame may be as well, though much more reasonable. Absolutely wonderful.[/i][/color] As one who understood being cast out and isolated, Liliana held very little against the Drow as a race. Who would not hate those who banished your kin and hunted them to relentlessly? While she was not being hunted in such a manner, she knew what it was like to be looked upon openly with hatred by cowards to weak to admit their fault. In the end, she chose silence and crossed her arms over her chest again. Now she [i]really[/i] wanted a good fight, but it would not be so with Bal unless the Crone brought forth blade or spell first. As she turned her eyes to the sky to examine the clouds she determined that the storm would suit her mood, and what magic she had left, rather well. Without a word Liliana turned to make for her tent. Her pack was there, as well as her bow and quiver. Her pack hung diagonally across her back, allowing her quiver to be slung underneath it. Whisper was strung, fitted into a pocket of leather on the side of the quiver. Thus equipped, she made for the gate to rejoin Gripus and any of the others who would be there.