Finally managing to flee to her ship, Aura managed to get into the air only to see the full extent of the flying firefight. It looked as if the New Republic was winning but it was close. The TIE Interceptors seemed to be replenishing themselves. Her heart screamed at her to join the fight but her brain rationalized differently. Her shields were old and patchy and she would need a co pilot to pilot the guns. This ship was designed for cargo and fleeing, not war. She saw a column of smoke coming from a downed X-Wing, thankfully not on entirely on fire but it wasn't in good shape. Now that she went to with no hesitation. She was not letting someone die because of her fear and alignment. Her heart argued that it was because she missed the New Republic but that was an argument to dwell on later. She landed next to the crash site and scanned for any survivors. She picked up one life form and dropped the ramp to investigate. [@Simple Unicycle]