Seras lounged across the luxurious hotel bed, eyes closed contentedly while Charity braided her hair. She’d never found the knack for styling her hair into anything but tangles, while Charity made it seem almost unfairly easy with her telekinesis. Although she’d objected to her intervention once - long ago - the feeling of intangible hands gently running through her hair was far too soothing to turn down. Besides, Charity would probably have a fit if she couldn’t play with her favourite doll. [color=f6989d][i]“And with that, he sincerely apologised for his actions and left,”[/i][/color] Seras concluded. [i][color=f6989d]“It sounded as though he was overwhelmed by what he’d been through.”[/color][/i] Charity’s voice echoed in her mind, gentler than usual. [color=82ca9d][i]“And you can empathise with that?”[/i][/color] Seras shrugged. [color=f6989d][i]“A little bit,”[/i][/color] she admitted. [color=f6989d][i]“I don’t know much about Giratina and even less about Germaines as an avatar, but I doubt that someone malicious would thank you for cooling things down. It paints most of the myths in a very different light.”[/i][/color] She gazed vacantly at the wall for several moments until a light touch on her shoulder dragged her into the present. [color=82ca9d][i]“Tell me what you think,”[/i][/color] Charity said proudly. Heart fluttering slightly, Seras rose to her feet and inspected herself in the hotel mirror. She never had enough chances to wear formal dress - not on the road between towns and never when selling her gems at the market without coming across as pretentious - but each memory of those chances would last for a lifetime. The long purple gown clung to her waist, shapely and flattering around her torso while flowing loosely around her legs for ease of movement. Around her neck lay a thin silver necklace set with one of her gemstones, matched by a pair of dainty earrings. With the gentlest brush of her power, the gemstones shimmered and flickered like candles, casting her face and neck in a cherry-pink glow. She twisted her shoulder towards the mirror - savouring the powerful sweep of the gown’s heavy fabric - and admired the braid that hung down her back like an ornament. [i]Hello, me. Where’ve you been hiding all this time?[/i] Charity let out a surprised squeak as Seras wrapped her in a bone-breaking hug. [i][color=f6989d]“You know that it’s perfect.”[/color][/i] That was the other reason why Charity had started braiding her hair - she understood how much it hurt that she’d never been taught how to braid it herself. It was a bonding experience now. Seras reluctantly let go, watching Charity smile to herself as she wiped tears from her ruby-red eyes. Charity wore a matching purple scarf that looped around her neck and hung from each shoulder, studded with bead-sized gemstones along the hem that flickered and shone like a trail of fire in time with Seras’ own diamonds. Just creating gemstones that small had been a nightmare as of itself, but the result was magnificent. The outfits had been one of their first leisure purchases after her reputation as an artist began spreading, and in her eyes, they were worth every second that it took to earn them. As they left the hotel and wandered through the crowded streets, elbows linked together, Charity continued to interrogate her. [i][color=82ca9d]“Are you sure that you should act so trustingly towards him, though? He may not mean to cause people harm, and even regret that he’s done so, but that doesn’t mean that he can control his actions entirely.”[/color][/i] Seras shook her head stubbornly. [color=f6989d][i]“If anything, that’s exactly [/i]why[i] he needs someone who feels comfortable around him. Everyone treating him like a Voltorb is only going to alienate him further, and he doesn’t deserve to be treated that way. Human, Pokemon or anything in-between - people need to support him [/i]through[i] those experiences.”[/i][/color] A trace of frustration crept into her voice. [i][color=f6989d]“Nothing changes for the better unless somebody’s willing to take a chance.”[/color][/i] Outside of their mental link, Charity sighed deeply. [color=82ca9d][i]“I understand your feelings, Seras, but I worry for you all the same. I’ll be watching Germaines closely this evening, if only so you don’t need to watch him yourself.”[/i][/color] Restraining the urge to roll her eyes, Seras hugged Charity’s arm. [i][color=f6989d]“Yes, mother dear.”[/color][/i] As the crowd thinned near the entrance to the Ritzy Raichu, Seras recognised an old face and smiled broadly. [i]Oh, this evening is going to be marvellous.[/i] It had been almost a year since she’d seen the mayor last - the commission from the busts of his family had helped to finance her gown - but the man’s infectious warmth hadn’t changed in the least. “Good evening, mayor,” she greeted fondly. “I hope that you’re well?” She nodded politely towards the rest of the avatars, but her eyes caught on the adorable young Kirlia standing besides Germaines, adorned with a pair of crimson bows. [i]Awwwww.[/i] [i][color=f6989d]“You’re looking wonderful tonight, dear,”[/color][/i] she projected kindly towards the Kirlia, offering her a gentle smile. She projected a rather less composed message towards Charity. [color=f6989d][i]“Isn’t she just the sweetest thing in the world?”[/i][/color] Charity grinned and nodded in agreement.