Name: Leander Nickname: Zephyr the Wondrous Age (appearance/actual): 20/499 Gender:Male Species: Air Elemental Weakness: Extreme phobia of tight spaces, vulnerable to injury in human form, prolonged transformation time. Powers: Extreme Speed, flight, control of air and wind, invulnerable while in natural form, can change to human form and back at will. Peforming role/Primary Postion: Lead Acrobat Secondary position: Singer History before circus: Leander was born from the chilling winds of the arctic as they met the warm winds of the pacific. He traveled the world for many years, taking in the beauty and life that he saw flourishing on land, and finally he grew so curious about these two legged beings that seemed to be the strangest creatures on the planet, that he taught himself to take human form and integrated himself into their culture during the Renaissance period. He met and befriended the famous poet, William Shakespeare, one of the only humans that he ever told about his real identity. Shakespeare used him as a partial inspiration for the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream". He was completely unaware of the war between the humans and the supernatural creatures until he found himself facing hunters who had heard of his friendship with Shakespeare. While Leander was able to give them the slip, the hunters poisoned Shakespeare with a slow and secret poison that would take a month to kill him. After Shakespeare's death, Leander was overcome with grief and carved the famous epitaph on his tomb before leaving England forever. He then took an active role in the war against the hunters, using his abilities to steal their life breath. However, by that point it was too late and the war was lost soon thereafter. Leander went into hiding, both from the grief of his experiences of death and shame that he had let himself kill so many. He resurfaced in 1888, joining the newly formed Circus and vowing to never again use his abilities to take human life. History in circus (Unless just joining): Leander was one of the first recruits to the Circus, using his skills in manipulating air currents to cast himself in the role of a wonderfully talented high flying acrobat. He is known for his "death defying" leaps, tricks and tumbles through the air, his skills at the trapeze and high wire, and his staunch refusal to use a safety net. He has also taken a particular shine to Eleana, since she arrived only a few years after himself. He often finds himself in awe of her grace and beauty, though he thinks of her as a good friend and confidant. He enjoys singing for her, since he knows she is a fan of music, and it led him to also become the troupe's primary vocalist. Personality: He can be a bit mischievous, often playing tricks on other members of the troupe, but they are always in good fun. He is kind and caring, rather likely to help others if he believes he can. He does not let anything bother him(except tight spaces) and has a generally sunny outlook. He has never been seen to be sad or angry, at least not yet. He finds himself at peace with the world, content to live the life he has made for himself without worrying about tomorrow. He does know when to be serious, though even then he tends to be overly optimistic, and even naive. He is not, however, inexperienced in the horrors of humans, and while he is always polite and courteous to the audience, he generally disassociates with humans, preferring the company of other supernatural creatures and beings. Likes/Dislikes: Leander loves the simple pleasures in life. He likes to entertain others, as well as to be entertained himself. He has a great appreciation for beauty of all kinds and he finds himself feeling sorry for anyone or anything that is not beautiful, which can sometimes earn him the ire of others. He also highly values freedom and independence, refusing to let himself be "stifled" in any way. He is deathly afraid of small spaces, and will refuse to enter them under any circumstances less than a life or death situation. This is because his powers are virtually useless in tight spaces and he feels choked, often even beginning to breathe hard and finally passing out if he spends too much time in small spaces. Appearance: [hider=Leander][img=][/hider] Other: Leander stopped aging physically after he turned 20. He has no idea why, but he rather likes how he looks. He believes himself to be immortal, as long as he is not killed in his human form. He has a distinct lack of body/facial hair, excepting his head hair and eyebrows. Oh, and........ I Love Ice. It's yummy in lemonade. ^_^ Lol