Mylori didn't try and conceal his smile as the Warlock stormed out of the tent, out into the whirling snows as the Necromancer's usual mask of no emotion slipped for a precious moment. Narrik Deadheart hurried after the Orc, no doubt already uttering curses towards his fellow Forgemaster, but Mylori did not care. He knew that he had won this day, and though Ronaz'Thunk no doubt resented the decision, he knew that it was the right one in his black heart. The Orc Necromancers, along with their ever-present Lichguard, would stay back in reserve, only committing to the battle if it was turning heavily against them, but Mylori doubted they would be needed at all. He had seen first-hand the majesty of New Engelica, and scouts sent to the west reported the sheer power that the Magi of their ally possessed. It was that same power that had led Mylori to ban the Necromancer's involvement in the coming battle. It was no secret that Divine and Necromancy were two schools of magic with a long history of bloody conflict, and the very fact that this alliance between the Broken and the New existed was through a wary tolerance of each other. If the two magics were used side-by-side then it would be a force that few could hope to resist, but for now the Dwarf worried that open use of the hated Necromancy in front of the Divine allies could spark a conflict that neither nation wanted. So for now, it would be the Dwarves and Machines that fought alongside the soldiers of New Engelica, not the undead and those that commanded them. Mylori was aching for the thrill of battle again, and his scouts told him that New Engelica had already crossed the Limgar border, obviously intending to meet with the Broken Empire's own forces before pushing against the final resistance as one. The Forgelord stopped for a moment to worry if he would meet any of the characters that Tavirin had mentioned when he told of his journey to their neighbors, and then thought of Tavirin himself, far to west. Reports were broken and scarce so far, but those that had reached Mylori told of another great victory for the Broken Empire. It would seem that their alliances to both east and west were both proving extremely bountiful. Focusing his thoughts on the coming conflict once again, Mylori picked up his beloved Great Axe from where it rested on the low table before him, and, after bracing himself for a moment, stepped out into the bitter cold. Seeing a young, at least in terms of Dwarves, Hammerbearer standing guard just outside the entrance, Mylori prepared for the battle to come. [b]"We march when the sun rises, tell the generals to meet with me in the vanguard."[/b] [hr] Tavirin lent on his war-hammer for a second to catch his breath. His master-crafted armour, forged by his much younger self centuries ago but still amongst the finest armour, was splashed with crimson blood. He had lost count of how many of the tribesmen he had cut down where they stood. The Broken Empire's small force had had the desired effect, bursting across the border and slaughtering the garrison of the Iastuf Republic before they could form any kind of retaliation. With the support of the Bripiak army, the last pockets of resistance had been quickly cornered and broken, and now Tavirin was confident that the province was truly under the fold of the Broken Empire. Already small groups had been arriving from every corner of Empire, eager to claim their new homeland and begin to rebuild what had been destroyed in the battle. Turning his eyes west once more, Tavirin sensed the tall, proud figure of Antonius at his shoulder. [b]"Your machines are a wonder to behold Tavirin"[/b] The Forgelord smiled as he turned to the leader of the Bripiak armies. A true soldier, fighting his way through the ranks to the esteemed position of Grand General, Antonius and Tavirin had formed an almost instant bond when they met months ago. [b]"Your own soldiers are impressive Antonius"[/b] Wiping off his bloody sword on his already crimson cloak, Antonius' face took on a serious expression as he cast his eyes towards the hills to the west. [b]"They will have to be if we are to succeed in your plan Forgelord"[/b] Turning towards the west as well, where Tavirin knew the bloodthirsty tribes that called those slopes their home were no doubt waiting for the approaching army. [b]"We will succeed. We must, else we will be cut off from those in the east"[/b] [u][b]Garrison[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61 [/b] -3 Heavy Infantry Units -4 Artillery Units -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -1 Mechanical Walkers Units -13 War-Magi Units [b]Province 51[/b] -5 Heavy Infantry Units -7 Artillery Units -32 Mechanical Warriors Units -9 Mechanical Walkers Units -41 War-Magi Units [b]Province 49[/b] -3 Heavy Infantry Units -4 Artillery Units -5 Mechanical Warriors Units -6 Mechanical Walkers Units -11 War-Magi Units [b]Province 48[/b] -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -16 War-Magi Units [b]Province 47[/b] -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -16 War-Magi Units [b]Province 46[/b] -5 Heavy Infantry Units -5 Artillery Units -4 Mechanical Warriors Units -5 Mechanical Walkers Units -10 War-Magi Units[/hider] [u][b]Actions[/b][/u] [hider][b]100 Fast Dirigibles, 3 Heavy Infantry Units, 4 Artillery Units, 5 Mechanical Warriors Units and 6 Mechanical Walkers Units move from Province 49 into Province 50[/b] [b]5 Heavy Infantry Units, 7 Artillery Units, 10 Mechanical Warriors Units and 9 Mechanical Walkers Units move from Province 51 into Province 50[/b] [b]5 Heavy Infantry Units, 5 Artillery Units, 4 Mechanical Warriors Units, 5 Mechanical Walkers Units and 10 War-Magi Units move from Province 46 into Province 41[/b][/hider] [u][b] Recruitment[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 51[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 49[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 48[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 47 [/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 46[/b] 1 War-Magi Units[/hider] [u][b]Research[/b][/u] [i]Lesser Earth Magic (Turn 3) [/i]