Kel had just gotten back into town from a mission far up north, a Staraptor had been up to no good and had to be brought to justice, one of Kel's specialties. But he'd turned him over to Magnezone and got the reward, now it was time to stow away all the goodies that he'd found. Anything he would find useful later on (Reviver Seeds, Oran Berries, most healing items, a few TMs) he would put away at the local Kangaskan Storage, sold anything else he wouldn't need at the local Kecleon shop, and stored all the money away in the nearest PokeBank, keeping some on hand to grab some Ice Cream from Vanillish's Parlor. This was a nice little town, not much trouble ever happened nearby, Kel liked the peace and quiet. He calmly strolled through town, passing by the Library on his way over to the parlor. When he got there an Axew was just leaving. He saw why now, it seemed Vanillish had just left for his break, what a let down. He was going to wait for Vanillish to come back, but something caught his eye: A strange Aromatisse talking with the Axew that had just left. He watched Axew back off and duck down an alley, and trotted over to investigate. That's when he heard something. [color=39b54a]"Hey, Mizu, we got 'im! You better come quick, before we have all the fun!"[/color] Then he heard a cut off scream, and decided that something had gone too far for his liking. He turned the corner to find the Axew being grabbed by a Scyther. [color=0054a6]"HEY! What are you doing with that Axew?!"[/color] He yelled at the Scyther, bending his head down as he turned into his Resolute Forme, bringing out his Secret Sword. [color=0054a6]"You've got about five seconds to give me an answer pal, i'm not in the mood for thugs like you."[/color] [@AbysmalDemon] [@floodtalon]