Mizu turned towards the Scyther and grimaced. [i]'Did that idiot really just yell that out in the middle of a populated city?'[/i] Mizu rushed over and was confronted with a situation that he would rather not go through. One of the SECRET SWORDS WAS NOW ONTO THEM AND WAS READY TO SKEWER THEM BECAUSE OF THIS GUY'S IDIOCY! "You idiot! I can't believe you just yelled that out in the middle of a town with a Guild in it! Now I have to clean up your mess!" Mizu looked absolutely furious at this point and his claws were glowing. He then turned to Kel. Mizu began to calm down and took a deep breath. "Listen kid. I know you think you're doing the right thing and all, but you should really back off now. It's two on one and we have a hostage. Several hostages if we decided to take this fight out onto the streets. So I suggest you walk away and forget this ever happened. Not only do you save us a lot of trouble, you save yourself a beating and you save this town a hell of a thrashing. Deal?" He reached out his claw with a predatory grin on his face, inwardly hoping he had managed to negotiate his way out of a tough situation. If they took it onto the streets the whole guild would be on them within minutes. Mizu would have to retreat and face the Boss with yet another failure... yeah, he wasn't going to do that in a million years. The boss scared HIM when he was mad.