Kel looked at the Gabite square in the eyes, and calmly walked forward. He had his claw extended as If he actually expected HIM to make a deal with him. Kel smirked and used his Secret Sword and knocked the claw away. [color=0054a6]"You really have no clue how to negotiate with a Pokemon who's sole purpose in life is to enforce justice, do you? I don't negotiate with Pokemon causing trouble, unless they have a perfect reason why they're causing it!"[/color] Kel held his ground, and stared at the twosome, still holding onto the Axew. [color=0054a6]"How about I make you a deal, I don't know who you are, nor do I care unless your faces are on wanted posters. Let that Axew go, and I'll let you leave without any trouble. Otherwise, I know perfectly well that you know there's a Guild in this town, and you'd know what would happen should a fight break out..."[/color] Keldeo assessed the situation quickly, and decided that this was the best course of action. He didn't want this to end in violence, he always tried to keep fighting as a last resort. Usually he'd use his Resolute Forme to intimidate his enemy, only engaging in combat when absolutely necessary. [color=0054a6]"Last chance pal, leave peacefully, or you'll be leaving in chains with Officer Magnezone, your pick."[/color] He stared at them, showing them that he was completely serious and meant full on business with his threats. He'd done this before with troublemakers in towns, he knew the tricks of the trade. He waited cautiously for their response, unsure of how tough these two could actually be. [@AbysmalDemon] [@floodtalon]