Taking the popular Dungeons&Dragons as a reference: Intelligence is the ability one has to memorize and recall information. Charisma is a representation of presence and force of personality. These are definitions that the system gives to these terms so that they can be used to represent a numerical value. Without this supplied definition, the terms are meaningless. The biggest issue is not in the playing of these traits, but in the misconception that they mean something without specification, and can therefore be quantified as part of a character with terms like "extremely." It's better character design to describe your character using more specific terminology, rather than broad debatable concepts. Going back to the Dungeons&Dragons reference, it's the difference between Strength and Athletics, Charisma and Diplomacy, and Intelligence and Knowledge: History. Once you provide a definition of your own for these terms, you can play them to your heart's content. If your definition of Charismatic is "can tell boldfaced lies straightforwardly and never questions his own opinions," just use that to determine how your character should act.