[h3][center][i]Chikako Momomiya // Small, Rundown Tavern[/i][/center][/h3] Even if the Wanderer had taken his sweet time getting back to the village, she was ready to strangle him until all he could see were stars. Fortunately for him, the fight had worn her out and as soon as the room was rented, she settled for a long bath and a long sleep. Those were typically common things for her to do after a fight, mainly so her bones could resettle into her skin. Still dressed—and practically bundled up—in her loose jacket, the Wanderer’s sudden awakening and announcement was enough to rouse her from sleep. Her black hair, normally tied into pigtails, was loose and splayed messily on the pillow, but as she started to wake and sit up, she tied them back into their pigtails. There weren’t any distinguishing features about her, save her pinkish eyes. Their crimson color from earlier had faded after her bout of relaxation. Standing and giving a long stretch, she yawned as she looked at her traveling companion. [b]”Alright, then let’s head out.”[/b] She hadn’t asked why he wanted to leave so soon, but really didn’t care much. The day before had proven to be quite exciting, seeing as her itch for a fight had been scratched some. Though she didn’t have the joy of being able to spill the enemy’s blood—a policy that the Wanderer enforced heavily—watching them run with their tails tucked behind their legs was good enough. Something about his comment irritated her slightly, causing her eyebrow to twitch. [b]”And shut up, you would’ve slept longer if you hadn’t gotten lost, dumbass.”[/b]