The Sawlian people were not done with the Union dogs, and with Pankra nearly destroying them, the Sawlians could deal the final blow. The islands would be safe from and unified with an Alliance. However, holding the Union would be a hard one so only elite units would be stationed there when it was captured but that is going to far ahead without action actually happening. "Alright boys, let's get moving! We are gonna hit up a potential fleet then end the Union once and for all! Bombers, I want you in the center. Interceptors I want you at the sides while the fighters form a loose cluster around us. Do I make myself clear?," Squadron leader Blanco Blaskovich informed his men and a make due air strip set up in Kebriw Territory. "Yes sir!," all the crew shouted before being dismissed to their respective air craft. The planes made a quick take off, quickly moving to patrol the seas and attack any Union ship in sight. ------- "Men, I hope you had a good break because we will be needed on the front line again. It will be the same strategy as before except the Heavy Calvary will only be used to deter any charge attempt made on our riflemen. We will most likely get support from conscription units so watch you fire. Pankra may have soften them up but be prepared for a fight once we make land in two seasons," the general said before dismissing the men. [hider=Garrison] Province 66 64,000 Conscript Swordsmen {64 units} 64,000 Conscript Bowmen {64 units} 6 cannons 100 Arquebusiers {4 units} 50 heavy Calvary {5 units} Province 67 60, 000 Conscript Swordsmen {60 units} 64,000 Conscript Bowmen {64 units} 6 cannons 100 Arquebusiers {4 units} 50 heavy Calvary {5 units} 107 ships {31 ship units} 20 transports {30 units} [/hider] [hider=Actions] 10 Bombers, 10 Interceptors, 20 Fighters move to attack the Kebriw in another air raid to soften them up for landing forces; moving to B5 5 units of Arquebusiers and 5 units heavy Calvary move onto transports going to B5 Construction of two ironclads begin at the Sawlian homelands 50 ships and 10 transports move to B5 carrying 4,000 {4 unit} conscript infantry 3 units of conscript infantry being recruited at Provence 67 Research- Ironclads Finished New Research- Ship Artillery [/hider]