Germaine wasn't standing outside alone with Well's for too long, thankfully, as a thick silence existed between the pair. It was broken by the avatar of Darkrai the man whom had stood by his side during the heated argument earlier that day, Kirlia give Germaines leg a nudge with her elbow, just to ensure he didn't make an attempt to attack Wells with his back-up whilst they were alone, he knew that's why she did it and it earned her a dark scowl; which was met with an innocent smile. [color=red]"Good evening Vuduin, looking forward to dinner?"[/color] Germaine asked with a rather elated tone, it was probably because he himself was practically giddy over, he only ever turned childish once on an occasion, and that was when he tried new food. Vuduin didn't get the chance to reply straight away however as another avatar turned up - this time it was Seras; accompanied with her Pokémon - a Gardevoir as he could only assume; the evolution of Kirlia. She gave the Mayor a warm greeting, it appeared that they knew each other before tonight. Both Seras and Gardevoir looked very appropriately dressed for the occasion; unlike Wells and Vuduin, however formal events weren't everyone's cup of tea, and of course the clothes to match weren't exactly cheap. Germaine looked at Seras and she gave a nod of the head as her greeting, he took this chance to inspect what she really looked like, his perception of her was a bit clouded during the argument... It had to be said that she was indeed beautiful; appropriate given that Diancie is regarded as the "Jewel of Kalos" one of the greatest beauty's in the world; whilst the term was relative it is rarely disputed in this case. Germaine then turned to look at her Pokémon who was at her side, he was almost startled to see that she was gazing... no. Peering into his eyes, as if she was searching for something, after a a few seconds she blinked and looked away. "Odd..." Germaine was interrupted from his thoughts however when Seras gave Kirlia a complement on her looks - probably in reference to the bows. Kirlia was positively elated to receive the complement, and due to the fact that she shared the same type as Diancie she communicated her thoughts to Seras in reply. [color=limegreen]" Thank you! You and Gardevoir look startling tonight as well."[/color] Germiane couldn't hear what she was saying telepathically but the brimming smile on her face effectively gave away her evident joy, Germaine gave a slight smile at the sight of her joy. [color=limegreen]" Also, I wanted to thank you for stopping this idiot from killing Rayquaza... I try my hardest to talk some sense into him, sometimes I get through... but he's got a thick skull from all that time away from the world."[/color] Kirlia looked up at Germaine with her face now holding a solemn look upon it; Germaine knew fine well that she was worried about him; he could never fathom why though. In order to break Kirlia from her silly mood he spoke [color=red]"Was the remainder of your day... erm... less eventful than the morning?"[/color] Once again a further interruption prevented an answer straight away as the trio witnessed Wells shy away from a handshake from a thin woman. She was in formal wear as well, although it seemed more like something a female would wear in an office. Her name was Justine Huang, and now the thin woman with a stern demeanour brought herself to the forefront of Germaines memory- she was the CEO of the tech group that funded this event. PORYTECH or something like that. Admittedly he didn't blame Wells from shying away from this woman, she looked like the type that would spill your guts for scientific advancement, Cyrus... just the female version. Immediately Germaine formed a negative impression of her, but took the hand Wells had left empty and gave it a firm shake, her grip was strong, steely much like the air she gave off. [color=red] "A pleasure."[/color] The only response he gave her, with his featureless calm face accompanying it- a CEO like her could gain a lot of someone's thoughts from a mere involuntary twitch in your facial muscles. Germaine turned his back to her and looked towards Seras again, awaiting a response.