[@TheHangedMan][hider=Taste]Pica's search was in vain and soon the voice stopped altogether. However as she progressed she became aware of a new sensation. Something highly unusual. It felt as though her tongue was lightly coated with sugar, the sweetness rich and delicious. It quickly faded to that of a bitterness, like earth and... something darker. The tastes slowly alternated, Pica would find nothing on her mouth, but that taste would continue constantly flickering.[/hider] [@NightmareInd][hider=Taste] Samuel found the voices eventually faltered. He rode in silence for a couple of seconds before he felt something odd. A taste, but of what? It must have felt like the cold steel of a blade, but all around his mouth, like blades were waiting to slice into his vulnerable flesh. Paused, held by an invisible hand. But for how long?[/hider] [@pkken][hider=Taste] The voices died away, seemingly irritated by the lack of response. Lance would find another sense had come under attack, his taste. But it was a good taste. The sweet, innocent taste of the candy sold to small children at fairs. The kind you got on your birthday, perhaps this cave was making it up to him?[/hider] [@Whitewind][hider=Taste]The voices left, suddenly without a hint of warning. What come next was perhaps more disorienting if not as annoying. Her sense of taste was gone. The cold cave air blew past her, her mouth would feel oddly numb, like it was missing something. It was a sad thing to lose your taste. You became off kilter. Distracted. Different.[/hider] [@Aisling][hider=Taste]Blissful silence reigned for mere moments before the next section began. A slight dizzying sensation and she felt it. Flecks on her tongue. Flecks of ash. Burnt from a far away fire, they tasted just slightly... of flesh. Strange, nothing was on her tongue and the taste wouldn't go away. At least it shouldn't be more than uncomfortable.[/hider] [@IronWill][hider=Hearing]Shitara rode through the cave, briefly accosted by silence. It quickly faded however. The sound of manicial laughter came to ears, followed by the sound of a crackling fire. That and the unmistakable, ugly [i]twang[/i] that came when a string snapped. At each [i]twang[/i] the laughter redoubled in strength, seemingly amused by the sound. So close, the noise echoed all around her, but it was impossible to tell where it came from.[/hider]